sunzhida / COMP4461_2017Fall_Lab3

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Project doesn't work in Choregraphe #1

Open soumenms2015 opened 5 years ago

soumenms2015 commented 5 years ago

Hello, First of all thak you very much for great work. I have tried to run your project in pepper naoqi version It doesn't work after clicking on play button.

The error message is [ERROR] behavior.translator :load:0 Fail to load translation for '/home/nao/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/.lastUploadedChoregrapheBehavior' lang 'de_DE'

I change the robot language to English by accessing web-page of robot IP. But it still doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated.


soumenms2015 commented 5 years ago

This is complete error message as I understand the problem is due to German language. But I tried to change the language to only English. But it still doesn't work.

[ERROR] ALAutomaticAnnotation :setCurrentLanguage:0 Cannot annotate the language: German [ERROR] behavior.translator :load:0 Fail to load translation for '/home/nao/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/.lastUploadedChoregrapheBehavior' lang 'de_DE' [ERROR] audio.alspeechrecognition :xTryTriggerSignsAndFeedback:0 Didn't trigger ExpressiveBit EndSpeechRecognitionEars: Cannot find service 'ALSignsAndFeedback' in index [ERROR] audio.alspeechrecognition :xTryTriggerSignsAndFeedback:0 Didn't trigger ExpressiveBit EndSpeechRecognitionEyes: Cannot find service 'ALSignsAndFeedback' in index [ERROR] audio.alspeechrecognition :xTryTriggerSignsAndFeedback:0 Didn't trigger ExpressiveBit EndSpeechRecognitionBip: Cannot find service 'ALSignsAndFeedback' in index [ERROR] audio.alspeechrecognition :xTryTriggerSignsAndFeedback:0 Didn't trigger ExpressiveBit BeginSpeechRecognitionBip: Cannot find service 'ALSignsAndFeedback' in index [ERROR] audio.alspeechrecognition :xTryTriggerSignsAndFeedback:0 Didn't trigger ExpressiveBit BeginSpeechRecognitionEars: Cannot find service 'ALSignsAndFeedback' in index [ERROR] audio.alspeechrecognition :xTryTriggerSignsAndFeedback:0 Didn't trigger ExpressiveBit BeginSpeechRecognitionEyes: Cannot find service 'ALSignsAndFeedback' in index [ERROR] behavior.translator :load:0 Fail to load translation for '/home/nao/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/.lastUploadedChoregrapheBehavior' lang 'de_DE'

Thank you once again for any kind of insight.

salvino72 commented 3 years ago

I have a similar error, were you able to solve it?