supabase-community / postgrest-csharp

A C# Client library for Postgrest
MIT License
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Update return types of IPostgrestTable<TModel> from Table<TModel> to IPostgrestTable<TModel> #92

Closed compdesigner-nz closed 1 month ago

compdesigner-nz commented 1 month ago

Feature request

I have recently started using this client library for doing some database operations across a series of services for a product I am making, and I would like to mock our the client and methods so that I can isolate the behaviour of my services.

I have opted to use Mock, NSubstitute, and Bogus as my mocking frameworks.

I would like to create mocks of IPostgrestTable<TModel>/Table<TModel> so that I can override/implement the desired behaviour using the above frameworks.

When reading through the codebase, I noticed that IPostgrestTable<TModel>'s methods (where applicable) return the concrete type Table<TModel> instead of IPostgrestTable<T>.

Table<TModel>'s methods are not virtual, and as a result, I can't mock out my client, as the interface has concrete return types, and the concrete type does not have methods that can be overridden.

Describe the solution you'd like

I would like for IPostgrestTable<TModel>'s methods to have their return type changed from Table<TModel> to IPostgrestTable<TModel>. This means that the interface can be implemented using NSubstitute and mocked out, successfully enabling future unit testing.

Describe alternatives you've considered

I noticed that unit testing for this package is done using a docker container. I could do this, however, I would like to separate out my integration and E2E testing from my unit testing. I would also prefer to not have to mock out quite a complex database within the container, as well as populate test data.

compdesigner-nz commented 1 month ago

I also posted on Discord:

acupofjose commented 1 month ago

Good call! Can you check #93 and see if that's what you're looking for?

compdesigner-nz commented 1 month ago

Looks good to me

acupofjose commented 1 month ago

Available in v4.0.1

compdesigner-nz commented 1 month ago

Thanks for sorting @acupofjose! Much appreciated. When will these changes bubble through to supabase-csharp?

acupofjose commented 1 month ago

I’ll get to it probably this evening or tomorrow morning!

compdesigner-nz commented 1 month ago

Awesome! Thanks for that. Getting this fix has been so much faster than other SDKs I've come across. I appreciate it 🙏🏼

acupofjose commented 1 month ago

Luckily an easy one to implement (and one that should've been implemented earlier!) - had a few minutes and went ahead and bumped the main repo. Should be seeing v1.0.1 hit nuget in a few minutes. Happy deving!

compdesigner-nz commented 1 month ago

Wicked, this stuff now works with common testing frameworks like Moq and NSubstitute 😍 How good!