supabase / auth-js

An isomorphic Javascript library for Supabase Auth.
MIT License
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Click on Magic Link triggers spam link protection in uBlock Origin Ad Blocker #792

Closed actraiser closed 8 months ago

actraiser commented 8 months ago

Clicking a Magic Link redirects to before they hit Supabase to authorize the login. This unfortunately triggers the popular uBlock Origin browser ad blocker with the (default) Peter Lowe's Filter List which you can check out here by the way:

Anyway, so clicking the Magic Link in an email will show the following warning first which is of course not optimal and a problematic user experience.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-10 um 08 37 14

Is it possible for you guys to use a supabase-owned domain to track the clicks instead of In general it seems that is not a good choice as it is blocked in some firewalls as well.

Greets -act

kangmingtay commented 8 months ago

hey @actraiser, we don't track the clicks for auth emails sent from your project. This seems like something you installed on your email client / in your browser.

actraiser commented 8 months ago

Thank you @kangmingtay for this hint! With that I figured out that with activated "tracking links" setting is the actual cause of the problem. When Supabase passes the email content to resend which I configured in Supabase dashboard as smtp provider, links in the content get replaced. I disabled that option now on and everything works as expected. Thanks again!

Greets -act