supabase / auth-js

An isomorphic Javascript library for Supabase Auth.
MIT License
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Still having getSession warning whenever _saveSession is called #912

Open larbish opened 1 month ago

larbish commented 1 month ago

Bug report

Describe the bug

Maintainer of the nuxt/supabase module here.

We have a PR to migrate on the @supabase/ssr package and we're still experiencing this issue with the latest released version including your PR.

I've removed all occurrences of getSession() in the module and I still have the warning.

Any help on this would be appreciate 🙏 I can't merge and release this PR until I get rid of this warning.

To Reproduce

Clone the nuxt/supabase repository, go on PR and follow the development readme to run the playground.

Notice the Using the user object as returned from supabase.auth.getSession() or from some supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange() events could be insecure warning.

Expected behavior

Do not display this warning.

j4w8n commented 1 month ago

Have you heard back about this?

regg00 commented 3 weeks ago

@larbish, you got any news about this issue?

larbish commented 1 week ago

No news about it so far... @thorwebdev could someone have a check at this please? I'd love to merge my PR in the module and use @supabase/ssr package 🙏

hf commented 1 week ago

We'll check this as soon as we can. Any external help in tracking down where the use comes from would help speed it up.

j4w8n commented 1 week ago

Looks like the code calls session.user a couple of times. And it json stringifies the session as well, which would also trigger the warning.

scottandrew commented 2 days ago

I am seeing this constantly right now ever since updating to SSR 0.4.0 and following the documentation. Going back to SSR 0.3.0 this seems to git rid of the messages.