supabase / auth-js

An isomorphic Javascript library for Supabase Auth.
MIT License
318 stars 152 forks source link

NPM version tagged as latest still 2.62.2 #921

Closed BjoernRave closed 1 week ago

BjoernRave commented 1 week ago

On npm the version marked as latest is still 2.62.2 even though according to github there is already a 2.64.2 version.

I want to the use the signInAnonmymously fn, but cant.

For some reason I get No Access-Control-Allow-origin when the lib is trying to get the /user, no matter if anonymous or with magic link. This is working fine in 2.62.2.

I was not sure if maybe there is a connection between these two.

Also there is @supabase/auth-js and @supabase/gotrue-js why is that? Is there a difference?

J0 commented 1 week ago


Thanks for flagging this - can you try installing: npm install @supabase/auth-js@2.64.2 for now? We'll look into the latest tag.

Also there is @supabase/auth-js and @supabase/gotrue-js why is that? Is there a difference?

Supabase renamed GoTrue to Auth so as to reflect that it has diverged from the original netlify/gotrue project