supabase / cli

Supabase CLI. Manage postgres migrations, run Supabase locally, deploy edge functions. Postgres backups. Generating types from your database schema.
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The CLI does not work in a Github Codespace #2005

Closed ouvreboite closed 6 months ago

ouvreboite commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug Hello Supabase devs :)

I'm trying to use the Supabase CLI inside a Github Codespace (to follow this guide), and I'm failing at various step.

I'm not very familiar with the Unix secret management, so I've tried to unblock myself and document my steps.

To Reproduce Create a codespace using the main image and to enable docker within the Codespace. I've defined two env variables:

  1. Supabase init works well

    npx supabase init 

    I just need to manually install Deno (curl -fsSL at the start of my container) for the Deno VSCode plugin to work.

  2. Supabase link fails (partially?)

    npx supabase link --project-ref my-project-ref  
    🟥Failed to save database password: failed to set credentials: exec: "dbus-launch": executable file not found in $PATH
    Finished supabase link.

    Installing dbus-x11

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install dbus-x11 -y


    npx supabase link --project-ref my-project-ref 
    🟥 Failed to save database password: failed to set credentials: The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files
    Finished supabase link.

    Installing keyring and libsecret

    sudo apt install gnome-keyring libsecret-1-0 -y


    npx supabase link --project-ref my-project-ref
    🟥 Failed to save database password: failed to set credentials: failed to unlock correct collection '/org/freedesktop/secrets/aliases/default'
    Finished supabase link.

Sudo (with -E to use my already defined env variables)

sudo -E npx supabase link --project-ref my-project-ref
^C(hangs forever so I manually kill it)
🟥 Failed to save database password: failed to set credentials: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.secrets': timed out (service_start_timeout=120000ms)
Finished supabase link.

❓ I see that some work has been done to disable keyring for WSL, and I suppose we are in a similar situation (Codespace is essentially headless, except for the VSCode frontend). But the solution for WSL means that the token will be written to a file, which would be a problem for a Codespace (as we don't want passwords/tokens to be written in files, as they are stored in git)

  1. Supabase DB pull fails
    npx supabase db pull --debug
    Using connection pooler: postgres://
    Supabase CLI 1.145.4
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Sent Header: Host [api.moby.localhost]
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Sent Header: User-Agent [Docker-Client/unknown-version (linux)]
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Sent Header: X-Meta-Source-Client [github/codespaces]
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Send Done
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Recv First Byte
    Connecting to remote database...
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Connect Start: udp
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Connect Done: udp
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Connect Start: udp
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Connect Done: udp
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Connect Start: udp
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Connect Done: udp
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Connect Start: udp
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Connect Done: udp
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Connect Start: tcp
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 Connect Done: tcp
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Send: {"Type":"StartupMessage","ProtocolVersion":196608,"Parameters":{"database":"postgres","user":""}}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"AuthenticationSASL","AuthMechanisms":["SCRAM-SHA-256"]}
    [...] Some auth logs removed to avoid leaking tokens
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"AuthenticationOK"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"DateStyle","Value":"ISO, MDY"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"IntervalStyle","Value":"postgres"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"TimeZone","Value":"UTC"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"application_name","Value":"Supavisor"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"client_encoding","Value":"UTF8"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"default_transaction_read_only","Value":"off"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"in_hot_standby","Value":"off"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"integer_datetimes","Value":"on"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"is_superuser","Value":"off"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"server_encoding","Value":"UTF8"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"server_version","Value":"15.1 (Ubuntu 15.1-1.pgdg20.04+1)"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"session_authorization","Value":"postgres"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ParameterStatus","Name":"standard_conforming_strings","Value":"on"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"BackendKeyData","ProcessID":117346820,"SecretKey":2730415841}
    2024/03/04 10:29:06 PG Recv: {"Type":"ReadyForQuery","TxStatus":"I"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:07 PG Send: {"Type":"Query","String":"SELECT version FROM supabase_migrations.schema_migrations ORDER BY version"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:07 PG Recv: {"Type":"RowDescription","Fields":[{"Name":"version","TableOID":28683,"TableAttributeNumber":1,"DataTypeOID":25,"DataTypeSize":-1,"TypeModifier":-1,"Format":0}]}
    2024/03/04 10:29:07 PG Recv: {"Type":"CommandComplete","CommandTag":"SELECT 0"}
    2024/03/04 10:29:07 PG Recv: {"Type":"ReadyForQuery","TxStatus":"I"}
    🟥 failed to open dump file: open supabase/migrations/20240304102906_remote_schema.sql: no such file or directory

    ❓ Is this related to the link secrets failure? Or something else? If I manually run create the migration folder mkdir supabase/migrations, the db pull succeeds

npx supabase db pull
Connecting to remote database...
(lots of pulls)
Status: Downloaded newer image for
Schema written to supabase/migrations/20240304122749_remote_schema.sql
Update remote migration history table? [Y/n] y
Repaired migration history: [20240304122749] => applied
Finished supabase db pull.
🆗Run supabase migration list to show the updated migration history.

❓Does it means the secret setting in the link operation is not required?

Expected behavior The Supabase CLI should work within a Github Codespace


System information Gihub Codespace

ouvreboite commented 6 months ago

Instead of a bug fix, maybe a guide/recipee on how to use Supabase within Github Codespace would be enough.

Currently, a setup that seems to work (I will update once I finished following the user management tutorial).

  1. Create and assign the SUPABASE_ACCESS_TOKEN and SUPABASE_DB_PASSWORD codespace secrets to your repository
  2. Create a codespace using a npm enabled base image ( for example)
    • manually run npx supabase init to create the supabase folder and config)
    • mkdir supabase/migrations
  3. Update devcontainer.json to:
    • add the deno VSCode plugin (no need to keep the .vscode/extensions.json file)
    • add the docker-in-docker feature (
    • add the deno executable each time the container starts (curl -fsSL
    • link to the database each time the container starts (npx --yes supabase link --project-ref your-project-id)
  4. Running npx supabase db pull should work fine now

Example of devcontainer.json:

    "name": "Node.js & TypeScript",
    "image": "",
    "customizations": {
        "vscode": {
            "extensions": [
    "postCreateCommand": "curl -fsSL | sh && npx --yes supabase link --project-ref your-project-id",
    "features": {
        "": {}
rlataguerra commented 6 months ago

the exact same problem happens when you use the cli inside a github action

sweatybridge commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the detailed report. I believe no. 2 and 3 can be fixed in code with better error handling.

I will ping our docs lead to check if we want to host the Codespaces setup docs on supabase domain.

ouvreboite commented 6 months ago

I've pushed my Codespaces/Supabase/SvelteKit experiment a bit farther, following this Build a User Management App with SvelteKit tutorial. So I'll use this issue to log some info for future users.

First, we need to differentiate two scenarios:

Still, I've had to tweak some stuff to make everything work.

  1. Making redirect work with Vite default port: the base port for Vite (and so SvelteKit) is not 3000, but 5173. So the auth block in config.toml must be updated

    # ...
    site_url = "" # use Vite port
    additional_redirect_urls = [""]  # use Vite port
  2. Making the magic link auth work locally: the block in config.toml must be updated

    # ...
    enable_confirmations = true
  3. Exposing the Vite app through VSCode proxy: by default, npm run dev expose the SvelteKit app as localhost. Strangely, the VSCode proxy does not work (at least for me) here. But exposing explicitly as works. So I've updated my package.json

    "scripts": {
    "dev": "vite dev --host",
  4. Making the delete_storage_object function work locally: the tutorial create a delete_storage_object function to remove the old avatars. One key problem for a local run, is the hardcoded project URL and service-role keys directly in the SQL function to access the storage API.

    -- function delete_storage_object
    project_url text := '<YOURPROJECTURL>';
    service_role_key text := '<YOURSERVICEROLEKEY>'; --  full access needed
    url text := project_url||'/storage/v1/object/'||bucket||'/'||object;

    In addition to the security risk, hard-coding the "production" values would prevent the function from working locally (url and key are different). So I'm using the Vault feature to use different values locally and in prod. In the local seed.sql file I'm adding the service-role key the CLI returns after starting. For the API URL, i'm using http://host.docker.internal:54321 (cf

    select vault.create_secret('eyJhbGciOiJIUzI[...]', 'service-role-key');
    select vault.create_secret('http://host.docker.internal:54321', 'storage-url-for-database');

    Then I fetch the secrets in the delete_storage_object function

    -- function delete_storage_object
    storage_url text;
    service_role_key text;
    url text;
    storage_url := (select decrypted_secret from vault.decrypted_secrets where name = 'storage-url-for-database');
    service_role_key := (select decrypted_secret from vault.decrypted_secrets where name = 'service-role-key');
    url := storage_url||'/storage/v1/object/'||bucket||'/'||object;

    I just have to also add the secrets with the production values on my production app to have the function work both on local and production.

I don't know if this usage of Vault is best-practices. But if it is, I would suggest updating the various "Build a User Management App" tutorials to use it.