A new /definitions/<id> endpoint where a user can send a table / view id, and get back the definition of that entity as formatted SQL. For example:
create table
public.example (
id integer not null,
created_at timestamp with time zone default now() not null,
updated_at timestamp with time zone default now() not null,
name text not null,
short_name text not null,
excited_name text generated always as (upper(name)) stored,
variable_name character varying(255),
post_id uuid,
constraint example_name_check check ((char_length(name) <= 4))
create sequence public.example_id_seq as integer start
1 increment by 1 no minvalue no maxvalue cache 1;
alter sequence public.example_id_seq owned by public.example.id;
alter table only public.example
alter column id
set default nextval('public.example_id_seq'::regclass);
alter table only public.example
add constraint example_pkey primary key (id);
alter table only public.example
add constraint example_post_id_fkey foreign key (post_id) references public.posts (id) on delete cascade;
What kind of change does this PR introduce?
What is the new behaviour?
A new
endpoint where a user can send a table / viewid
, and get back the definition of that entity as formatted SQL. For example:Additional context
TODO: add pg_dump to the docker image