supabase / postgres-meta

A RESTful API for managing your Postgres. Fetch tables, add roles, and run queries
Apache License 2.0
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v0.61.1 introduces bug in typescript generation for computed column #568

Open ecchochan opened 1 year ago

ecchochan commented 1 year ago

Bug report

Describe the bug

The below line introduced the bug in v0.61.1

- rt.typname as return_type,
+ pg_get_function_result(f.oid) as return_type,

The above results in computed column typehint always equal to unknown

To Reproduce

Setup Supabase with the following schema:

  fname text,
  lname text

CREATE FUNCTION full_name(people) RETURNS text AS $$
  SELECT $1.fname || ' ' || $1.lname;


node \
  --no-warnings \
  dist/server/server.js \   
  gen types typescript \
  --include-schemas public

Or the following if docker-compose is setup with meta using v0.61.1:

docker-compose exec -T meta node \
  --no-warnings \
  dist/server/server.js \   
  gen types typescript \
  --include-schemas public

Expected behavior

The typescript generated should be

export interface Database {
  public: {
    Tables: {
      account: {
        Row: {
          fname: string | null;
          lname: string | null;
          full_name: string | null;


The typescript generated is however

export interface Database {
  public: {
    Tables: {
      account: {
        Row: {
          fname: string | null;
          lname: string | null;
          full_name: unknown | null;

System information

Additional context

Reverting the changes of the below resolve the issue

- rt.typname as return_type,
+ pg_get_function_result(f.oid) as return_type,
leomeneguzzi commented 1 year ago

In the actual version is even worse const temp: PostgrestSingleResponse<SelectQueryError<"Referencing missing column 'full_name '">[]>

The full_name property don't appear inside the table type, just on the generated types as funcion

leomeneguzzi commented 1 year ago

Actually, I found the problem in my case... still a bug, I'm trying to do some workaround on my project.

The problem is here: .filter((fn) => fn.argument_types ===

The parameter of my function is from another schema. Then the fn.argument_types property has the value like customschema.people, while the is just people

leomeneguzzi commented 1 year ago

In case someone also faces this problem, the way that I solve it was:

import { Database, Json } from "./supabase.ts";

export interface CustomDatabase extends Database {
  gestaolocador: {
    Tables: {
      rentals: {
        Row: {
          last_due_date: string | null;
          next_due_date: string | null;
        } & Database["gestaolocador"]["Tables"]["rentals"]["Row"];
      } & Database["gestaolocador"]["Tables"]["rentals"];
    Functions: {
        get_rental_by_user: {
          Args: {
            _user_id: string
          Returns: {
              last_due_date: string | null;
              next_due_date: string | null;
  } & Database["gestaolocador"];

export type { CustomDatabase as Database, Json };

I created a custom Database interface that complements the missing fields. This way I can still regenerate the types without redoing my manual changes every time