supabase / postgres-meta

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Generated DB types do not include function property in Table #775

Open jimmythigpen opened 5 months ago

jimmythigpen commented 5 months ago

Bug report

Describe the bug

We are working with an order table and see unexpected behavior when generating types. This behavior may be due to the unfortunate use of a reserved word as a table name. We are already planning to update the table name in the future which resolves this issue, but wanted to at least surface the behavior.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior, please provide code snippets or a repository:

  1. Create two tables with an id column, one called hotel, another called order.
  2. Run the below SQL to create functions
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.test_func1(hotel)
    RETURNS text
    LANGUAGE sql
    AS $function$
    SELECT $;
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.test_func2("order")
    RETURNS text
    LANGUAGE sql
    AS $function$
    SELECT $;
  3. Generate DB types using the supabase CLI (we use supabase gen types typescript --local --schema public > src/generated/supabase.ts)

Expected behavior

We expect to see the created functions added as properties in the generated DB types for the order and profile tables, but this is missing from the order table.


image image

Code snipping below showing the generated types not including test_func2 on the order table.

export type Json =
  | string
  | number
  | boolean
  | null
  | { [key: string]: Json | undefined }
  | Json[]

export type Database = {
  public: {
    Tables: {
      hotel: {
        Row: {
          id: number
          test_func1: string | null
        Insert: {
          id?: number
        Update: {
          id?: number
        Relationships: []
      order: {
        Row: {
          id: number
        Insert: {
          id?: number
        Update: {
          id?: number
        Relationships: []
    Views: {
      [_ in never]: never
    Functions: {
      test_func1: {
        Args: {
          "": unknown
        Returns: string
      test_func2: {
        Args: {
          "": unknown
        Returns: string
    Enums: {
      [_ in never]: never
    CompositeTypes: {
      [_ in never]: never

type PublicSchema = Database[Extract<keyof Database, "public">]

export type Tables<
  PublicTableNameOrOptions extends
    | keyof (PublicSchema["Tables"] & PublicSchema["Views"])
    | { schema: keyof Database },
  TableName extends PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
    ? keyof (Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Tables"] &
    : never = never,
> = PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
  ? (Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Tables"] &
      Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Views"])[TableName] extends {
      Row: infer R
    ? R
    : never
  : PublicTableNameOrOptions extends keyof (PublicSchema["Tables"] &
    ? (PublicSchema["Tables"] &
        PublicSchema["Views"])[PublicTableNameOrOptions] extends {
        Row: infer R
      ? R
      : never
    : never

export type TablesInsert<
  PublicTableNameOrOptions extends
    | keyof PublicSchema["Tables"]
    | { schema: keyof Database },
  TableName extends PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
    ? keyof Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Tables"]
    : never = never,
> = PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
  ? Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Tables"][TableName] extends {
      Insert: infer I
    ? I
    : never
  : PublicTableNameOrOptions extends keyof PublicSchema["Tables"]
    ? PublicSchema["Tables"][PublicTableNameOrOptions] extends {
        Insert: infer I
      ? I
      : never
    : never

export type TablesUpdate<
  PublicTableNameOrOptions extends
    | keyof PublicSchema["Tables"]
    | { schema: keyof Database },
  TableName extends PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
    ? keyof Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Tables"]
    : never = never,
> = PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
  ? Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Tables"][TableName] extends {
      Update: infer U
    ? U
    : never
  : PublicTableNameOrOptions extends keyof PublicSchema["Tables"]
    ? PublicSchema["Tables"][PublicTableNameOrOptions] extends {
        Update: infer U
      ? U
      : never
    : never

export type Enums<
  PublicEnumNameOrOptions extends
    | keyof PublicSchema["Enums"]
    | { schema: keyof Database },
  EnumName extends PublicEnumNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
    ? keyof Database[PublicEnumNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Enums"]
    : never = never,
> = PublicEnumNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
  ? Database[PublicEnumNameOrOptions["schema"]]["Enums"][EnumName]
  : PublicEnumNameOrOptions extends keyof PublicSchema["Enums"]
    ? PublicSchema["Enums"][PublicEnumNameOrOptions]
    : never

System information

Additional context

Appreciate anyone taking the time to check this one out!

pangolingo commented 5 months ago

I assume this is because the function argument "order" is quoted, and the quotes result in an inability to match with the table name. Some of the code in this repo for pulling the schema is using pg_get_function_arguments() which does return "order" for this function.