supabase / postgrest-js

Isomorphic JavaScript client for PostgREST.
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[supabase-js v2] Improve Types Implementation for Nested Queries #303

Open kryptovergleichde opened 2 years ago

kryptovergleichde commented 2 years ago

Feature request

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Hi there, I tried implementing supabase-js v2, and first was happy to see the type generation out of select queries. But the real issues I have are still not solved with the new approach, these are nested tables types.

// I saw this example on the new docs:
import supabase from '~/lib/supabase'
import type { Database } from '~/lib/database.types'

async function getMovies() {
  return await supabase.from('movies').select('id, title, actors(*)')

type actors = Database['public']['Tables']['actors']['Row']
type MoviesResponse = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getMovies>>
type MoviesResponseSuccess = MoviesResponse['data'] & {
  actors: actors[]

So let's imagine you have this data structure id, title, actors(name, birth_date), typescript will catch the id and title, of the movie, but not the name and birth_date of the nested relation. If I am now going to add this info manually like this:

// ...

async function getMovies() {
  return await supabase.from('movies').select('id, title, actors(name, birth_date)')

type actors = Database['public']['Tables']['actors']['Row']
type MoviesResponse = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getMovies>>
type MoviesResponseSuccess = MoviesResponse['data'] & {
  actors: Pick<actors, 'name' | 'birth_date'>[]

there will be a lot of redunancy in the implementation. Since we have to define the table cols twice.

Describe the solution you'd like

Of course it would be perfect if nested relations would work out of the box. I see that this would be very difficult to do, and that's maybe why you didn't.

I would essentially suggest to export this type, to create something like this:

// (!) Pseudocode
// ...

import { ResolveRelationQuery } from '@supabase/supabase-js'

const actorsRelation = 'actors(name, birth_date)'
async function getMovies() {
  return await supabase.from('movies').select(`id, title, ${actorsRelation}`)

type MoviesResponse = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getMovies>>
type MoviesResponseSuccess = MoviesResponse['data'] & {
  actors: ResolveRelationQuery<typeof actorsRelation>[]

Describe alternatives you've considered

I peeked into the type definitions of the new supabase-js v2 library, and saw a GetResult type coming from @supabase/postgrest-js/dist/module/select-query-parser.

I have implemented something with this, which technically works, but is not very developer friendly since everyone have to define lots of types in the repo. See

kryptovergleichde commented 2 years ago

So I successfully created some Types, which could be implemented by supabase-js.

What works:

What currently not works:

So these types would need some fine-tuning for production.

You can try it out in any project: First implement this somewhere globally:

// lib/supabase.ts
import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
import type { GetResult } from '@supabase/postgrest-js/dist/module/select-query-parser'
import type { Database } from '@/lib/database.types'

const supabaseUrl = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL as string
const supabaseAnonKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY as string

export const supabase = createClient<Database>(supabaseUrl, supabaseAnonKey)

type Tables = Database['public']['Tables']
type SplitRelStr_SuccessProps<T = keyof Tables, Q = string> = { table: T; query: Q }
type SplitRelStr<RelStr extends string> = RelStr extends `${infer T}(${infer Q})`
  ? T extends keyof Tables
    ? SplitRelStr_SuccessProps<T, Q>
    : { error: 'Parsed `RelationString`, but the table name does not exist.' }
  : { error: 'Cannot parse `RelationString`' }
type GetResolvedResult<SP extends SplitRelStr_SuccessProps> = GetResult<Tables[SP['table']]['Row'], SP['query']>

 * @template RelStr Supabase relation string, e.g. `tablename(colum, another_colum)`.
 * @template RelType The type of relation. e.g. `one` or `many`. This decides if the returned relation is an array of objects/single object.
export type ResolveRelationQuery<
  RelStr extends string,
  RelType extends 'one' | 'many' = 'many'
> = SplitRelStr<RelStr> extends SplitRelStr_SuccessProps
  ? {
      [K in SplitRelStr<RelStr>['table']]: RelType extends 'one'
        ? GetResolvedResult<SplitRelStr<RelStr>> | null
        : GetResolvedResult<SplitRelStr<RelStr>>[]
  : { error: SplitRelStr<RelStr>['error'] }

 * @template R { data } response you get from `const { data, error } = await supabase.from('tablename').select(...)`
 * @template RelObj Object that contains the table name and the resolved relation.
export type ResolveResponse<R extends any[], RelObj extends object> = (R[0] & RelObj)[]

And then when you want to use it:

import { supabase, ResolveRelationQuery, ResolveResponse } from '@/lib/supabase'

const loadData = async () => {
  const actorsRelation = `actors(name, birth_date)`
  const companiesRelation = `companies(*)`

  const { data, error } = await supabase
      name, id,

  if (!data?.length || error) return

  type Actors = ResolveRelationQuery<typeof actorsRelation, 'many'>
  type Companies = ResolveRelationQuery<typeof companiesRelation, 'many'>
  type Response = ResolveResponse<typeof loadData, Actors & Companies>

  return data as Response

const main = async () => {
  const data = await loadData()

  data?.map(entry => {
    console.log(entry.actors) // -> now has resolved type, object or array of objects looking like this: `{ name: string | null, birth_date: string | null }`

lorenzodejong commented 2 years ago

I think it's very much needed to find a solution for this, especially since querying foreign tables this way is documented as the recommended solution (

Perhaps some insights could be gained from the way Prisma has implemented this. They have solved nested querying in their type resolving, you can simply run a query similar to the one below. This will return a type including all nested relations.

await prisma.movies.findMany({
    select: {
        name: true,
        id: true,
        actors: {
            name: true,
            birth_date: true
        companies: true
soedirgo commented 2 years ago

Thanks for looking into this! Yes, the nested types is intentionally omitted for now - the difficulty here is determining the cardinality of the nested tables, e.g. using the first snippet actors can either be { name, birth_date } or { name, birth_date }[] depending on how the foreign key relationships look like.

kryptovergleichde commented 2 years ago

@soedirgo Thanks for your answer, yes. Do you know if there is a possibility to get this information about the foreign key relationship out of the data returned by supabase-cli? Otherwise I think there has to be a manual way to define if it's a one or many relation, like I did in my examples.

soedirgo commented 2 years ago

Yup, we're looking into this right now (PostgREST itself definitely does this) - ideally the typegen should output this information and postgrest-js would handle the disambiguation OOtB.

johanneskares commented 1 year ago

I'm doing this temporary hack until it gets solved from supabase-js. Any update on when this will be done automatically?

const { data, error } = await supabase.from("items")
    .select(`*, talent:talent_id( username, avatar )`,)
    .eq("content_id", "1");

if (error) {
    return null

// TODO: In future versions of supabase-js this should no longer be necessary
type supabaseType = typeof data & { 
    talent: Pick<Database['public']['Tables']['users']['Row'], "username" | "avatar">
const supabaseData =  data as supabaseType

const username = supabaseData[0].talent.username
johanneskares commented 1 year ago

The recent release from this PR broke my workaround, mentioned above.

Additionally, instead of always returning unknown for all nested relations, we instead return T | T[]

I guess it would be better to change this behavior once the feature is complete instead of forcing us to come up with new workarounds along the way ;)

cdedreuille commented 1 year ago

For someone relatively new to Typescript, managing types for nested tables is quite painful. I hope this could be resolved at some point.

I ended up doing this which I'm pretty sure is quite a bad solution:

type Product = Database["public"]["Tables"]["products"]["Row"];
interface ProductFull extends Omit<Product, "vendor"> {
  vendor: Database["public"]["Tables"]["vendors"]["Row"];

const Products: FC = () => {
  const [products, setProducts] = useState<ProductFull[]>([]);
  const supabaseClient = useSupabaseClient<Database>();

  useEffect(() => {
    async function getProducts(): Promise<PostgrestResponse<ProductFull>> {
      return await supabaseClient.from("products").select("*, vendor(*)");

    async function loadData() {
      const { data } = await getProducts();
      if (data) setProducts(data);
  }, [supabaseClient]);

  return <></>
samuba commented 1 year ago

I came up with a workaround with less moving parts, inspired by @johanneskares workaround :

const { data, error } = await supabase.from("items")
    .select(`*, talent:talent_id( username, avatar )`,)
    .eq("content_id", "1");

// TODO: workaround until this is implemented:
type ResultRow = ArrayElement<typeof data>;
type PatchedResult = Modify<ResultRow, {
    talent: ArrayElement<ResultRow['talent']>;

const username = (data as PatchedResult)[0].talent.username

Can also easily be adjusted to have talent as an array:

type PatchedResult = Modify<ResultRow, {
    talent: ArrayElement<ResultRow['talent']>[];

It uses the custom ArrayElement and Modify types which can come in handy in all sorts of Situations:

export type ArrayElement<T> = T extends readonly unknown[] ? T[0] : never;
export type Modify<T, R> = Omit<T, keyof R> & R;
Murkrage commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the workaround @samuba! However it seems type-fest does not include those types?

samuba commented 1 year ago

Whoopsie, thanks for pointing it out. 😅 I corrected my answer

pybuche commented 1 year ago

Hello 👋 Having the same problem with joins, whatever you do, join results always appear to be T | T[] | null.

I used the .returns<MainEntity & { relationship: Relationship }>() helper introduced in #345 but I'm really wondering if we couldn't find a way to easily infer this information.

Let's say we have 2 tables:

One to One

If category cannot be NULL, then:

One to Many

If category cannot be NULL, then:

Many to Many

I don't even know how it's handled honestly, but I suppose we can have the same reasoning

I'm not a huge Typescript expert, but I would gladly have a look if you think that's worth it.

activenode commented 1 year ago

I think it's very much needed to find a solution for this, especially since querying foreign tables this way is documented as the recommended solution (

Perhaps some insights could be gained from the way Prisma has implemented this. They have solved nested querying in their type resolving, you can simply run a query similar to the one below. This will return a type including all nested relations.

await prisma.movies.findMany({
    select: {
        name: true,
        id: true,
        actors: {
            name: true,
            birth_date: true
        companies: true

What I don't get is anyway the hyper complex resolution of the string. From a personal perspective: I love it because it shows that you can parse strings with TypeScript.

However: I asked myself if this isn't making things overly complicated? I'm not saying one should get rid of the current solution - at all.

I'm just saying: Have you thought about making this simpler? E.g. providing a few more helpers rather than overriding via returns<> which I personally find cumbersome because it's basically type casting.

I don't want typecasting though but I'd love to give it more hints what the foreign tables are - if needed.

I also like the object-based solution or an array-based solution. But at the end of the day it's probably just missing some recursion here and there.

gluharry commented 1 year ago

+1 This feature is needed in order to use typescript proper. Great work on everything else!

kryptovergleichde commented 1 year ago

@harryyaprakov Absolutely. And I don't know why this is open for song long. Since this is a feature other DB clients offer by default, and is actually the reason you use typescript, to have inheriance and don't think about constructuing complex types properly. Same when you use GraphQL queries, you want the response types of them automatically generated.

Always having to think about to not only write the query but also construct types (which leads to huge duplications in code for complex queries actually was one of th main reasons which made me move away from using supabase-js and going all-in with prisma + trpc. Can only recommend it, as your application grows and you have more demand for complex queries.

amorfati254 commented 1 year ago


Murkrage commented 1 year ago

@harryyaprakov Absolutely. And I don't know why this is open for song long. Since this is a feature other DB clients offer by default, and is actually the reason you use typescript, to have inheriance and don't think about constructuing complex types properly. Same when you use GraphQL queries, you want the response types of them automatically generated.

Always having to think about to not only write the query but also construct types (which leads to huge duplications in code for complex queries actually was one of th main reasons which made me move away from using supabase-js and going all-in with prisma + trpc. Can only recommend it, as your application grows and you have more demand for complex queries.

How was the migration to prisma? I'm considering it but it seems like it's a pretty involved thing to do.

kryptovergleichde commented 1 year ago

@Murkrage First it was a bit difficult to set it up to use the right postgresql connection string for DB access and migrations.

Came out to be:


Also, when using it with Prisma, just forget about RLS. It's somehow possible, but super flimsy.

Other than that, once you've got the hang of it, you never want to go back doing DB requests on the client. But yeah, for an existing project, it would probably be pretty much work.

Be aware that you'll loose certain supabase features such as real-time, though maybe you can implement that server side too, haven't tried yet.

I'm still using supabase-js, but only for auth.

gabrielsestrem commented 1 year ago

We need a solution for this urgently. I upgraded my project to supabase-js V2, but it's impossible to build currently. We have hundreds of nested queries, impossible to use any kind of workaround... Do you guys know if there's a way to disable this type generation out of select queries?

mihaiandrei97 commented 1 year ago

@Murkrage First it was a bit difficult to set it up to use the right postgresql connection string for DB access and migrations.

Came out to be:


Also, when using it with Prisma, just forget about RLS. It's somehow possible, but super flimsy.

Other than that, once you've got the hang of it, you never want to go back doing DB requests on the client. But yeah, for an existing project, it would probably be pretty much work.

Be aware that you'll loose certain supabase features such as real-time, though maybe you can implement that server side too, haven't tried yet.

I'm still using supabase-js, but only for auth.

@kryptovergleichde are you using the shadowDb for migrations? I didn't manage to make it work

thorwebdev commented 1 year ago

Hey folks, thanks for all the feedback here! Just a quick note that I'm going to hide the "Migrate to Prisma" related comments as off topic to allow us to focus on the issue at hand, I hope you understand. To further discuss that part I'd recommend you utilise GitHub Discussions.

Do note that we're actively working on this and will follow up with more details soon. Thank you 💚

@gabrielsestrem regarding

Do you guys know if there's a way to disable this type generation out of select queries?

Would you be able to use for now?

Murkrage commented 1 year ago

@thorwebdev I wasn't aware of this method, thanks for the heads up! It's still a bandaid but at least we can get some type safety out of it without having to do type guards :)

gabrielsestrem commented 1 year ago

Thanks @thorwebdev I wasn't aware either. This .returns<MyType>() will save us for now.

soedirgo commented 1 year ago

Hey all, sorry this issue has been open for so long - we're aware this is one of the major pain points when using supabase-js. The crux of the matter here is a foreign table can be either T | null or T[] depending on the cardinality.

While we work on the proper solution for this, one bandaid I'd like to propose is to do what's suggested here, which is to default to T[], since preserving type correctness using T[] | T | null seems to be more trouble that it's worth. For cases where you need T | null, you can use .returns<MyType>(). What are your thoughts?

Also, the suggestion to move away from stringly-typed queries is noted - we're planning on using a more structured query format for the next major version of the library.

iolyd commented 1 year ago

While .returns<>() can help circumvent the current flaws stemming from the unknown cardinality of tables' relationships, it throws out any typing already inferred by the query's string and requires us to redeclare everything form scratch while, in many cases, all that is needed is a little patching of the already provided type.

Could we maybe get a way to derive the type instead of redeclaring everything form scratch? For illustration, see: It's really not an ideal implementation, probably has many flaws as it stands, and I'm not claiming its should be taken as-is, but I feel this way of working could prove more relevant for many cases some people seem to face.

gabrielsestrem commented 1 year ago

For me, the feature should handle all the scenarios. Sometimes we do big queries with many nested tables. Ideally I'd love to have all properties with types even if it's in a 3rd or 4th nested table. Upgrading to supabasejs-v2 it's changing already 150+ files and we are using .returns<>() when needed and sometimes using this approach here

Just to have an idea. This is one example of some sort of complex query:

        .select(`id, organisation_id, order_id, collect_requested, invoices, client_tracking_option, retention_value, retention_type, retention_fee_value,
        client: client_id(
        address: address_id(
        payment_bill: payment_bill_id(
        reverse_tracking: reverse_tracking_id(
            shipping_company: shipping_company_id(name),
        status: status_id(
        coupon: reverse_coupon_id(
        payment: reverse_payment_id(
        organisation: organisation_id(
        order: order_id(
            ecommerce_number, created_at, price, refund_value, exchange_value, is_exception, second_reverse, is_complete, second_request`)
        .eq('id', reverseOrderId)
        .eq('organisation_id', organisationId)

And it makes sense because if I break quis query and many small ones, let's say: 5 ou 7 small queries. My API get's 5x slower 
kinolaev commented 1 year ago

Hello! I've found a workaround for this issue:

import { PostgrestFilterBuilder } from "@supabase/postgrest-js"

declare module "@supabase/postgrest-js" {
  class PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result> {
    fixToMany<K>(): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, FixToMany<Result, K>>
    fixToOne<K>(): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, FixToOne<Result, K>>
    fixToMaybeOne<K>(): PostgrestFilterBuilder<
      FixToMaybeOne<Result, K>

type FixToMany<Result, K> = Result extends Array<infer T>
  ? Array<FixToManyItem<T, K>>
  : Result extends infer T | null
  ? FixToManyItem<T, K> | null
  : FixToManyItem<Result, K>

type FixToManyItem<T, Key> = Key extends keyof T
  ? Omit<T, Key> & { [K in Key]: Extract<T[K], Array<T[K]>> }
  : T

PostgrestFilterBuilder.prototype.fixToMany = function fixToMany() {
  return this

type FixToOne<Result, K> = Result extends Array<infer T>
  ? Array<FixToOneItem<T, K>>
  : Result extends infer T | null
  ? FixToOneItem<T, K> | null
  : FixToOneItem<Result, K>

type FixToOneItem<T, Key> = Key extends keyof T
  ? Omit<T, Key> & { [K in Key]: Exclude<T[K], Array<T[K]> | null> }
  : T

PostgrestFilterBuilder.prototype.fixToOne = function fixToOne() {
  return this

type FixToMaybeOne<Result, K> = Result extends Array<infer T>
  ? Array<FixToMaybeOneItem<T, K>>
  : Result extends infer T | null
  ? FixToMaybeOneItem<T, K> | null
  : FixToMaybeOneItem<Result, K>

type FixToMaybeOneItem<T, Key> = Key extends keyof T
  ? Omit<T, Key> & { [K in Key]: Exclude<T[K], Array<T[K]>> }
  : T

PostgrestFilterBuilder.prototype.fixToMaybeOne = function fixToMaybeOne() {
  return this

You can use it like this to get right return type:

  .select("id, author(*), publisher:publishers(*), last_review(*), readers(*)")
  .fixToOne<"author" | "publisher">() // Omit<ResultItem, "author" | "publischer"> & { author: Database["public"]["Tables"]["users"]["Row"], publisher: Database["public"]["Tables"]["publishers"]["Row"] }
  .fixToMaybeOne<"last_review">() // Omit<ResultItem, "last_review"> & { last_review: Database["public"]["Tables"]["reviews"]["Row"] | null }
  .fixToMany<"readers">() // Omit<ResultItem, "readers"> & { readers: Array<Database["public"]["Tables"]["users"]["Row"]> }

Hope, it helps find a real solution to this problem!

activenode commented 1 year ago

Hello! I've found a workaround for this issue:

import { PostgrestFilterBuilder } from "@supabase/postgrest-js"

declare module "@supabase/postgrest-js" {
  class PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, Result> {
    fixToMany<K>(): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, FixToMany<Result, K>>
    fixToOne<K>(): PostgrestFilterBuilder<Schema, Row, FixToOne<Result, K>>
    fixToMaybeOne<K>(): PostgrestFilterBuilder<
      FixToMaybeOne<Result, K>

type FixToMany<Result, K> = Result extends Array<infer T>
  ? Array<FixToManyItem<T, K>>
  : Result extends infer T | null
  ? FixToManyItem<T, K> | null
  : FixToManyItem<Result, K>

type FixToManyItem<T, Key> = Key extends keyof T
  ? Omit<T, Key> & { [K in Key]: Extract<T[K], Array<T[K]>> }
  : T

PostgrestFilterBuilder.prototype.fixToMany = function fixToMany() {
  return this

type FixToOne<Result, K> = Result extends Array<infer T>
  ? Array<FixToOneItem<T, K>>
  : Result extends infer T | null
  ? FixToOneItem<T, K> | null
  : FixToOneItem<Result, K>

type FixToOneItem<T, Key> = Key extends keyof T
  ? Omit<T, Key> & { [K in Key]: Exclude<T[K], Array<T[K]> | null> }
  : T

PostgrestFilterBuilder.prototype.fixToOne = function fixToOne() {
  return this

type FixToMaybeOne<Result, K> = Result extends Array<infer T>
  ? Array<FixToMaybeOneItem<T, K>>
  : Result extends infer T | null
  ? FixToMaybeOneItem<T, K> | null
  : FixToMaybeOneItem<Result, K>

type FixToMaybeOneItem<T, Key> = Key extends keyof T
  ? Omit<T, Key> & { [K in Key]: Exclude<T[K], Array<T[K]>> }
  : T

PostgrestFilterBuilder.prototype.fixToMaybeOne = function fixToMaybeOne() {
  return this

You can use it like this to get right return type:

  .select("id, author(*), publisher:publishers(*), last_review(*), readers(*)")
  .fixToOne<"author" | "publisher">() // Omit<ResultItem, "author" | "publischer"> & { author: Database["public"]["Tables"]["users"]["Row"], publisher: Database["public"]["Tables"]["publishers"]["Row"] }
  .fixToMaybeOne<"last_review">() // Omit<ResultItem, "last_review"> & { last_review: Database["public"]["Tables"]["reviews"]["Row"] | null }
  .fixToMany<"readers">() // Omit<ResultItem, "readers"> & { readers: Array<Database["public"]["Tables"]["users"]["Row"]> }

Hope, it helps find a real solution to this problem!

Neat idea man.

johanneskares commented 1 year ago

My current workaround:

export const getSingle = <T>(input: T[] | T | null) => {
    if (input === null) {
        throw new Error("Input is null");

    if (Array.isArray(input)) {
        if (input.length > 0) {
            return input[0];
        } else {
            throw new Error("Array is empty");

    return input;

export const getMaybeSingle = <T>(input: T[] | T | null) => {
    if (Array.isArray(input)) {
        if (input.length > 0) {
            return input[0];
        } else {
            return null;

    return input;

export const getArray = <T>(input: T[] | T | null) => {
    if (input === null) {
        throw new Error("Input is null");

    if (Array.isArray(input)) {
        return input;

    return [input];

and then use it as

const { data } = await supabase.from("books")
  .select("id, author(*), publisher:publishers(*), last_review(*), readers(*)").single();

const book = {,
    author: getSingle(,
    last_review: getMaybeSingle(books.last_review),
    readers: getArray(books.readers)

If you want to use it on many items, I add an additional .map. It also works well with nested queries, using additional .maps. It has some runtime overhead, but that gives some extra safety. For me that's fine.

samuel-bach commented 1 year ago

Also, the suggestion to move away from stringly-typed queries is noted - we're planning on using a more structured query format for the next major version of the library.

@soedirgo this is great news! I was worried with the current approach and its scalability. I really want to use supabase also for complex operations. When you look into this I hope you get the right inspirations from queryBuilders that already do a good job of providing a typesafe powerful abstraction for postgres like e.g. drizzle. :-)

kinolaev commented 1 year ago

I've found another solution based on types generated by Prisma. This function generates Postgrest's columns from Prisma's select object

import { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"

export function columnsFrom(modelName: Prisma.ModelName, select: any): string {
  const { models } = Prisma.dmmf.datamodel
  const model = models.find((m) => === modelName)!
  const fields: Array<string> = []
  for (const name of Object.keys(select)) {
    const value = select[name]
    if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
      const field = model.fields.find((f) => === name)!
      const relModel = field.isList
        ? models.find((m) => === field.type)!
        : model
      const relField = field.isList
        ? relModel.fields.find((f) => f.relationName === field.relationName)!
        : field
      const relName = relField.relationFromFields![0]
      const children = columnsFrom(field.type as Prisma.ModelName,
    } else if (value) {
  return fields.join(",")

Then you can patch SupabseClient this way

import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"
import type { PostgrestFilterBuilder } from "@supabase/postgrest-js"
import { SupabaseClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js"
import { columnsFrom } from "./supabase-prisma"
import type { Database } from "./supabase.database.types"

type PublicFilterBuilder<T extends keyof Database["public"]["Tables"], Payload> =
  PostgrestFilterBuilder<Database["public"], Database["public"]["Tables"][T]["Row"], Array<Payload>>

declare module "@supabase/supabase-js" {
  class SupabaseClient<Database, SchemaName, Schema> {
    fromProfilesSelect<Select extends Prisma.profilesSelect>(select: Select):
      PublicFilterBuilder<"profiles", Prisma.profilesGetPayload<{ select: Select }>>

SupabaseClient.prototype.fromProfilesSelect = function fromProfilesSelect(select) {
  return this.from("profiles").select(columnsFrom("profiles", select))

And now you can use it like this

import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"

const profilesSelect = { name: true, posts: { select: { title: true } } } satisfies Prisma.profilesSelect
type ProfilesPayload = Prisma.profilesGetPayload<{ select: typeof profilesSelect }>
const { data }: { data: ProfilesPayload[] | null } = await supabase.fromProfilesSelect(profilesSelect)
Jaaneek commented 1 year ago

Hey all, sorry this issue has been open for so long - we're aware this is one of the major pain points when using supabase-js. The crux of the matter here is a foreign table can be either T | null or T[] depending on the cardinality.

While we work on the proper solution for this, one bandaid I'd like to propose is to do what's suggested here, which is to default to T[], since preserving type correctness using T[] | T | null seems to be more trouble that it's worth. For cases where you need T | null, you can use .returns<MyType>(). What are your thoughts?

Also, the suggestion to move away from stringly-typed queries is noted - we're planning on using a more structured query format for the next major version of the library.

What is ETA on the new version? Or ETA on fixing this? It's pretty unusable for anyone who is serious about typesafety, the thing you recommend is very hard to maintain, other people suggested better solutions in this thread but in the end all of those are workarounds

rienheuver commented 1 year ago

Yes, we're so close! If #426 could be merged an released this would be great for our development.

bradennapier commented 1 year ago

Wrote a little workaround (type-level and custom now... but it gets the job done for now so I can at least generate types based on the query i am using and it will still be safe and parsed with error handling and such.

I actually want the option to pre-define various types for validations and expectations before i make the query (make sure a user makes a query with expected joins etc) so I am using this in my own file to handle typing (would be nice to have these available as exports of the postgres-js, its an awesome utility!):


It is implemented so that undefined === current behavior and { many: false; null: false; single: false } === never so that { null: false } === Output | Output[], etc

Example, in the parse-query-parser.ts All you really need to do is add a generic:

type OptFlags = { null?: boolean; single?: boolean; many?: boolean };

type ParseOptFlags<Output, Opts extends OptFlags> = [
  Opts['null'] extends false ? never : null,
  Opts['many'] extends false ? never : Output[],
  Opts['single'] extends false ? never : Output,

Then you make the modification and voila:

type ConstructFieldDefinition<
  Schema extends GenericSchema,
  Row extends Record<string, unknown>,
  Opts extends OptFlags
> = Field extends {
  star: true;
  ? Row
  : Field extends { name: string; original: string; children: unknown[] }
  ? {
      [_ in Field['name']]: GetResultHelper<
        (Schema['Tables'] & Schema['Views'])[Field['original']]['Row'],
      > extends infer Child
        ? ParseOptFlags<Child, Opts>
        : never;
  : Field extends { name: string; original: string }
  ? { [K in Field['name']]: Row[Field['original']] }
  : Field extends { name: string; type: infer T }
  ? { [K in Field['name']]: T }
  : Record<string, unknown>;
    { many: false; }
    col: {
        id: number;
    } | null;

    { many: false; null: false; }
    col: {
        id: number;

    { single: false; null: false; }
    col: {
        id: number;

Would be fairly trivial to implement the generic so that it can handle multiple joins and even deep embedded joins by just making Opts iterable.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 1.7.0 :tada:

The release is available on:

Your semantic-release bot :package::rocket:

soedirgo commented 1 year ago

Hey all, we've made some changes to improve the types of nested tables. Atm this is only available when generating types for the local development database with supabase gen types typescript --local.

If you have the Supabase CLI set up, can you upgrade it to v1.64.1 and upgrade supabase-js v2.23.0 and give it a spin? 🙏 If all goes well we'll release it on the platform and close this.

Jaaneek commented 1 year ago

Hey all, we've made some changes to improve the types of nested tables. Atm this is only available when generating types for the local development database with supabase gen types typescript --local.

If you have the Supabase CLI set up, can you upgrade it to v1.64.1 and upgrade supabase-js v2.23.0 and give it a spin? 🙏 If all goes well we'll release it on the platform and close this.

Works great! Tested with: one to one, many to one, one to many. Great job!

dhurbhat commented 1 year ago

Hello - Typescript newbie here. I'm trying to build an edge function. My schema has TableA which has columns that reference two other tables TableB & TableC and TableD references TableA (such a star-join may not be great...). Query is like:

await supabase.client.from('TableA').select(*, TableB(col1),TableC(col1,col2), TableD(*)).eq(c1,'val1').is(c2, null)

If after type generation and migrating to 1.64.1 and upgrade to supabase-js v2.23.0, what would be the syntax for specifying the data type for the above select so that I can use Typescript types?

I've tried:

type NewType = Database["public"]["Tables"]["TableA"]["Row"] & Database["public"]["Tables"]["TableB"]["Row"]  & Database["public"]["Tables"]["TableC"]["Row"]  & Database["public"]["Tables"]["TableD"]["Row"] ;

I get a Typescript/deno error;

    "resource": "/Users/sheshadrimantha/SupabaseProjects/supabase/functions/collate-votes/index.ts",
    "owner": "deno",
    "code": "2743",
    "severity": 8,
    "message": "No overload expects 1 type arguments, but overloads do exist that expect either 0 or 2 type arguments.",
    "source": "deno-ts",
    "startLineNumber": 40,
    "startColumn": 55,
    "endLineNumber": 40,
    "endColumn": 62

How would I use the fix referenced in this issue to a query such as this? Is it better to create a DB View and use that view's generated type here? Please advise or please point me to some examples of using Typescript types for Supabase / Deno so I can figure this out.

dhurbhat commented 1 year ago

Hello - Typescript newbie here. I'm trying to build an edge function. My schema has TableA which has columns that reference two other tables TableB & TableC and TableD references TableA (such a star-join may not be great...). Query is like:

await supabase.client.from('TableA').select(*, TableB(col1),TableC(col1,col2), TableD(*)).eq(c1,'val1').is(c2, null)

If after type generation and migrating to 1.64.1 and upgrade to supabase-js v2.23.0, what would be the syntax for specifying the data type for the above select so that I can use Typescript types?

I've tried:

type NewType = Database["public"]["Tables"]["TableA"]["Row"] & Database["public"]["Tables"]["TableB"]["Row"]  & Database["public"]["Tables"]["TableC"]["Row"]  & Database["public"]["Tables"]["TableD"]["Row"] ;

I get a Typescript/deno error;

  "resource": "/Users/sheshadrimantha/SupabaseProjects/supabase/functions/collate-votes/index.ts",
  "owner": "deno",
  "code": "2743",
  "severity": 8,
  "message": "No overload expects 1 type arguments, but overloads do exist that expect either 0 or 2 type arguments.",
  "source": "deno-ts",
  "startLineNumber": 40,
  "startColumn": 55,
  "endLineNumber": 40,
  "endColumn": 62

How would I use the fix referenced in this issue to a query such as this? Is it better to create a DB View and use that view's generated type here? Please advise or please point me to some examples of using Typescript types for Supabase / Deno so I can figure this out.

Oh! I continued playing and figured out that I didn't need to typify the .from but could still leverage the generated types for accessing field elements that are returned from the query.

One question I do have no is, that TableA has the canonical created_at column with default for now() still the type that is generated is string | null. This is causing my calling Date.parse(created_at) to barf with Argument of type 'string | null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string'.

Any suggestions?

apologies if these questions are "polluting" this thread.

whollacsek commented 1 year ago

Hello - Typescript newbie here. I'm trying to build an edge function. My schema has TableA which has columns that reference two other tables TableB & TableC and TableD references TableA (such a star-join may not be great...). Query is like:

await supabase.client.from('TableA').select(*, TableB(col1),TableC(col1,col2), TableD(*)).eq(c1,'val1').is(c2, null)

If after type generation and migrating to 1.64.1 and upgrade to supabase-js v2.23.0, what would be the syntax for specifying the data type for the above select so that I can use Typescript types?

I've tried:

type NewType = Database["public"]["Tables"]["TableA"]["Row"] & Database["public"]["Tables"]["TableB"]["Row"]  & Database["public"]["Tables"]["TableC"]["Row"]  & Database["public"]["Tables"]["TableD"]["Row"] ;

I get a Typescript/deno error;

    "resource": "/Users/sheshadrimantha/SupabaseProjects/supabase/functions/collate-votes/index.ts",
    "owner": "deno",
    "code": "2743",
    "severity": 8,
    "message": "No overload expects 1 type arguments, but overloads do exist that expect either 0 or 2 type arguments.",
    "source": "deno-ts",
    "startLineNumber": 40,
    "startColumn": 55,
    "endLineNumber": 40,
    "endColumn": 62

How would I use the fix referenced in this issue to a query such as this? Is it better to create a DB View and use that view's generated type here? Please advise or please point me to some examples of using Typescript types for Supabase / Deno so I can figure this out.

Oh! I continued playing and figured out that I didn't need to typify the .from but could still leverage the generated types for accessing field elements that are returned from the query.

One question I do have no is, that TableA has the canonical created_at column with default for now() still the type that is generated is string | null. This is causing my calling Date.parse(created_at) to barf with Argument of type 'string | null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string'.

Any suggestions?

apologies if these questions are "polluting" this thread.

It's a valid question and everyone ran into this as well. The most straight forward solution is to assert the type is not null: Date.parse(created_at!).

kryptovergleichde commented 1 year ago

UPDATE: Issue found:

@soedirgo Thanks for your work on this! I removed all of my own query relation builder helper types, upgraded the cli to 1.66.0 and supabase-js to 2.24.0 and everything works really well. Types for many and one are being infered correctly from select queries.

I see that it also already works for hosted dbs when using the --db-url flag. I was using the --project-id option first and it did not generate the Relationships field. But I suppose that's on purpose.

Thanks again for your work!

okmaklad commented 1 year ago

@soedirgo Thanks for your work on this! I removed all of my own query relation builder helper types, upgraded the cli to 1.66.0 and supabase-js to 2.24.0 and everything works really well. Types for many and one are being infered correctly from select queries.

I see that it also already works for hosted dbs when using the --db-url flag. I was using the --project-id option first and it did not generate the Relationships field. But I suppose that's on purpose.

Thanks again for your work!

I can't get this to work with the --db-url flag, it keeps telling me the connection string that i'm copying from the dashboard is invalid after i replace my password. It thinks the password is the port for some reason.

3ru commented 1 year ago

The following query appears to be correctly typed.

const column = '*, messages(id)'
const {data, error} = await postgrest.from('channels').select(column)

What about this case?

const column = '*, messages: channel_id(*)'
const {data} = await postgrest.from('messages').select(column)
kryptovergleichde commented 1 year ago

Update: I have found a case where the typings are not correct. My query:

const { data, error } = await supabase
    id, name, slug, symbol, 

When I now select data?.[0].exchanges_livedata_pricings[0].exchanges in JS, this returns an object, but the types indicate that it's an array.

So seems an issue about nested relations.

soedirgo commented 1 year ago

We've updated our API so that supabase gen types typescript [--linked|--project-id] generates types for relationships. Thanks for the feedback everyone!

TableA has the canonical created_at column with default for now() still the type that is generated is string | null

@dhurbhat another solution is to alter the column to be not null, the generated types will pick that up and generate string.

can't get this to work with the --db-url flag

@okmaklad can you create an issue on supabase/cli and share the error?

*, messages: channel_id(*)

@3ru yeah I don't think we support this syntax atm, though you can do messages!messages_channel_id_fkey(*) as a workaround.

this returns an object, but the types indicate that it's an array

@kryptovergleichde what are the foreign keys between cryptocurrencies <-> exchanges_livedata_pricings <-> exchanges? Will try to reproduce this on a sample repo.

davidchalifoux commented 1 year ago

@soedirgo Why are nested types potentially null if their foreign key is required on a model?


 const response = await supabase
      .select("*, brands(*)");

The brand_id is required field on brand_locations, but the returned type for brands is potentially null.

kryptovergleichde commented 1 year ago

@soedirgo Thanks for getting back on this, so the relation is:

table exchanges_livedata_pricings:

relation to cryptocurrencies

relation to exchanges

so the table exchanges_livedata_pricings acts as a join table with some additional info.

samuba commented 1 year ago

With the newest version I get weird typescript type errors when doing nested query on a table that has multiple FK columns referencing the same table (user_id & companion_of columns):

Return Type of Query: image


const result2 = await supabase
      guests: event_guests(companion_of, user:user_id(id, name))

Table Definition:

create table (
    id uuid not null default uuid_generate_v4 (),
    name text not null,
    created_at timestamp with time zone null default now(),

create table public.event_guests (
    user_id uuid not null,
    event_id uuid not null,
    companion_of uuid null,
    constraint event_guests_pkey primary key (user_id, event_id),
    constraint event_guests_companion_of_fkey foreign key (companion_of) references users (id),
    constraint event_guests_user_id_fkey foreign key (user_id) references users (id) on delete cascade,
    constraint event_guests_event_id_fkey foreign key (event_id) references events (id) on delete cascade
chhuang commented 1 year ago

*, messages: channel_id(*)

@3ru yeah I don't think we support this syntax atm, though you can do messages!messages_channel_id_fkey(*) as a workaround.

That synxtax is not supported yet @samuba

presedo93 commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

And how would it be the way to define the types from the query generated? Let's say I do:

const { data, error } = await workoutsSB
  .select('*, superset!inner (*, exercise!inner))')

My IDE gets the correct object properties (e.g., it autocompletes data[0].superset[0].name), but I couldn't figure out how to define a type by myself that I could use in other method definitions... something like (data: Section) which allows me to "use" the nested table without TS complaining...
