supabase / postgrest-js

Isomorphic JavaScript client for PostgREST.
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One-to-one relationship typescript types #434

Open mitjans opened 1 year ago

mitjans commented 1 year ago

Bug report

Describe the bug

I have a problem with one-to-one relationships. I have 3 tables:

Here are the SQL definitions extracted from Supabase (simplified columns):

problems table

create table problems (
    id bigint generated by default as identity not null,
    owner uuid not null default auth.uid (),
    constraint problems_pkey primary key (id),
    constraint problems_id_key unique (id),
  ) tablespace pg_default;

problem_stats table

create table problem_stats (
    id bigint generated by default as identity not null,
    constraint problem_stats_pkey primary key (id),
    constraint problem_stats_id_key unique (id),
    constraint problem_stats_id_fkey foreign key (id) references problems (id) on delete cascade
  ) tablespace pg_default;

problem_votes table

create table problem_votes (
    id bigint not null,
    user_id uuid not null default auth.uid (),
    constraint problem_reactions_pkey primary key (id, user_id),
    constraint problem_votes_id_fkey foreign key (id) references problems (id),
  ) tablespace pg_default;

So the relations are as follows:

This is the query:

  const { data: problem } = await client
     problem_stats (*),
     problem_votes (*)

This is the query response:

  id: 1,
  problem_stats: { ... },
  problem_votes: [

Notice how the response correctly returns a one-to-one relationship for stats (object) and a one-to-many relationship for votes (array of objects)

Here are the typescript types:

const problem: {
    id: number;
    problem_stats: {
    problem_votes: {
} | null

problem_stats is represented as an array (although the response is an object because of the one-to-one relationship). problem_votes is correctly represented as an array.

I've noticed that when I select from problem_stats (instead of problems) the type is inferred correctly (one-to-one).

  const { data: stats } = await client.from('problem_stats').select(`*, problems(*)`).single();

Now it has type:

const stats: {
    id: number;
    problems: {
    } | null;
} | null

Now it correctly represents the problems value as an object (one-to-one).

mitjans commented 1 year ago

Any update on this @soedirgo ?

I would love to help, but I'm not that good with Typescript types.

imownbey commented 12 months ago

I believe this has been fixed, you need to use a db-url to generate the types locally for now

mitjans commented 12 months ago

@imownbey I created this issue after adding a comment to that PR, so that it doesn't get lost in closed PR

imownbey commented 12 months ago

Oh woops! My bad

hawkcookie commented 11 months ago

Any update on this @soedirgo ?

imownbey commented 8 months ago

This is actually a pretty gnarly issue because postgrest returns the child object not wrapped in an array but typescript now thinks it is in an array. This makes runtime errors very easy to run into and it hard to trust the typescript types.

fvermaut commented 1 week ago

This appears to still be an issue, as reported also in, and I tried the workarounds in the second link, but with no luck. I agree this is an annoying issue, and makes the TS types hard to trust. It's also not clear to me if this issue is getting any attention from the Supabase team or not..

sethwilsonUS commented 3 days ago

Running into this too. It's very annoying :(