supabase / postgrest-js

Isomorphic JavaScript client for PostgREST.
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supabase-js rpc call error: message: 'a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"' #453

Closed bbagherian closed 1 year ago

bbagherian commented 1 year ago

Bug report

Describe the bug

Following this documentation leads to an error on rpc call:

    "code": "42601",
    "details": null,
    "hint": null,
    "message": "a column definition list is required for functions returning \"record\""

To Reproduce

SQL on the website dashboard:

create table if not exists public.restaurants (
    id int generated by default as identity primary key,
    name text not null,
    location geography(POINT) not null

create index restaurants_geo_index
  on public.restaurants
  using GIST (location);

insert into public.restaurants
  (name, location)
  ('Supa Burger', st_point(-73.946823, 40.807416)),
  ('Supa Pizza', st_point(-73.94581, 40.807475)),
  ('Supa Taco', st_point(-73.945826, 40.80629));

create or replace function nearby_restaurants(lat float, long float)
returns setof record
language sql
as $$
  select id, name, st_astext(location) as location, st_distance(location, st_point(long, lat)::geography) as dist_meters
  from public.restaurants
  order by location <-> st_point(long, lat)::geography;

and now in the app:

const { data, error } = await supabase.rpc('nearby_restaurants', {
  lat: 40.807313,
  long: -73.946713,

console.log('rpc restaurant', data, error);

Expected behavior

List of results



System information

bbagherian commented 1 year ago

Running as query is ok by the way, the api call is broken I believe:


steve-chavez commented 1 year ago

Running as query is ok by the way

Try it in SQL as:

select * from nearby_restaurants(40, -73);

And you'll see it fail in the same way as the RPC.

ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"

When you declare a SETOF function, it is a table-valued function and thus a SELECT * FROM func() is the most suitable query for it.


Although a better error message could be generated.

steve-chavez commented 1 year ago

The root cause of this issue seems to be this guide

This discussion reports it used to work before? Will check that out.

steve-chavez commented 1 year ago

Tracking this on

steve-chavez commented 1 year ago

I'll fix this on and go back to the previous behavior. So this worked before because PostgREST considered a setof record as scalar to avoid OP's error.

However this method has the disadvantage of not being able to select particular columns from it:

create or replace function setof_record() returns setof record as $$
  select * from projects;
$$ language sql;
curl 'localhost:3000/rpc/setof_record?select=id'
{"code":"42703","details":null,"hint":null,"message":"column does not exist"}

Considering that, it would be better to fix the PostGIS guide to use this function signature:

create or replace function nearby_restaurants(lat float, long float)
returns TABLE (id, name, location text, dist_meters float)
language sql
as $$
  select id, name, st_astext(location) as location, st_distance(location, st_point(long, lat)::geography) as dist_meters
  from public.restaurants
  order by location <-> st_point(long, lat)::geography;

The above should work on the current version.

srht commented 1 year ago

I'll fix this on PostgREST/postgrest#2881 and go back to the previous behavior. So this worked before because PostgREST considered a setof record as scalar to avoid OP's error.

However this method has the disadvantage of not being able to select particular columns from it:

create or replace function setof_record() returns setof record as $$
  select * from projects;
$$ language sql;
curl 'localhost:3000/rpc/setof_record?select=id'
{"code":"42703","details":null,"hint":null,"message":"column does not exist"}

Considering that, it would be better to fix the PostGIS guide to use this function signature:

create or replace function nearby_restaurants(lat float, long float)
returns TABLE (id public.restaurants%TYPE, name public.restaurants%TYPE, location text, dist_meters float)
language sql
as $$
  select id, name, st_astext(location) as location, st_distance(location, st_point(long, lat)::geography) as dist_meters
  from public.restaurants
  order by location <-> st_point(long, lat)::geography;

The above should work on the current version.

Thanks for the solution. Btw I changed a little this because it was returning invalid sql error then I removed public schema name and wrote types hardcoded instead of variables (%TYPE) and here it's:

create or replace function nearby_restaurants(lat float, long float)
returns TABLE (id int, name varchar, location text, dist_meters float)
language sql
as $$
  select id, name, st_astext(location) as location, st_distance(location, st_point(long, lat)::geography) as dist_meters
  from restaurants
  order by location <-> st_point(long, lat)::geography;
steve-chavez commented 1 year ago

FYI, this is already fixed on PostgREST v11.2.0 (not deployed to Supabase yet).

steve-chavez commented 1 year ago

Deploy with the fix is already approved

Additionally the docs have been updated

KA-devl commented 1 year ago

Hello, i have this problem that suddenly appear on my app. When will the fix be deployed in supabase?