supabase / postgrest-js

Isomorphic JavaScript client for PostgREST.
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Typing issue when querying children #509

Open StevenClontz opened 7 months ago

StevenClontz commented 7 months ago

Bug report

Describe the bug

I believe there's a typing issue when querying children of a row. I'm relatively new so this could possibly be user error, but I received no feedback via Discord nor StackOverflow.

To Reproduce

I have the following generated (from supabase-cli) type for my collections table:

export interface Database {
  public: {
    Tables: {
      collections: {
        Row: {
          created_at: string
          description: string | null
          id: string
          parent_id: string | null
          short_title: string | null
          title: string | null
          website: string | null
        Insert: {
          created_at?: string
          description?: string | null
          id?: string
          parent_id?: string | null
          short_title?: string | null
          title?: string | null
          website?: string | null
        Update: {
          created_at?: string
          description?: string | null
          id?: string
          parent_id?: string | null
          short_title?: string | null
          title?: string | null
          website?: string | null
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: "collections_parent_id_fkey"
            columns: ["parent_id"]
            isOneToOne: false
            referencedRelation: "collections"
            referencedColumns: ["id"]

I'm grabbing a particular collection like so:

    const { data: collection } = await supabase
        .select(`*, collections(*)`)

And this is the typing that's been inferred:

const collection: {
    created_at: string;
    description: string | null;
    id: string;
    parent_id: string | null;
    short_title: string | null;
    title: string | null;
    website: string | null;
    collections: {
        created_at: string;
        ... 5 more ...;
        website: string | null;
    } | null;
} | null

Expected behavior

In particular, collections is typed as an object, not an array of objects. However, if I coerce the typing to be any, collections is an array as expected, so this is just an issue with the generated type. Any clues on what I've done wrong or how to fix things?

System information

bryanmylee commented 1 month ago

I've noticed this as well.

From what I understand, on a self-referential relationship on a relation collection, when encountering a query like *, collection(*), PostgREST actually prioritizes the foreign relationship (i.e. from-many reference), since the local reference (i.e. to-one reference) can be specified with the column name e.g. *, parent_id(*).

The source for this is at select-query-parser.ts.