supabase / supabase-js

An isomorphic Javascript client for Supabase. Query your Supabase database, subscribe to realtime events, upload and download files, browse typescript examples, invoke postgres functions via rpc, invoke supabase edge functions, query pgvector.
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Nothing happen after login with Google #823

Closed NicolasDeGouveia closed 8 months ago

NicolasDeGouveia commented 9 months ago

Bug report

Describe the bug

After setting up my login with credentials (that work perfectly good) i tried to setup the google provider. I followed the documentation but when i click to login, i'm redirected to the google login page, i choose the user that i want, and then i'm redirect to my app but not connected. I see the new user in the database with the status "never" in the row "Last Sign In". When i try again that row update with the current date but in my app i'm not logged in.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior, please provide code snippets or a repository:

  1. Go tologin
  2. Click on google button
  3. redirected to my website but not connected

Expected behavior

I want to be connected after the google redirection.


this is my login function :

this the URL i got when i'm redirect to my website :

System information

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

j4w8n commented 9 months ago

Are you using hosted supabase or a local stand-alone?

NicolasDeGouveia commented 9 months ago

I'm using a local stand-alone

kangmingtay commented 9 months ago

@NicolasDeGouveia can you please include the code you used to initialise the supabase client?

NicolasDeGouveia commented 9 months ago

I initialize the supabase client with : const supabase = createClientComponentClient();

kangmingtay commented 9 months ago

@NicolasDeGouveia are you calling the handleSignInClick function from the client-side or server-side? the supabase client you created with createClientComponentClient() returns a supabase client that uses PKCE for auth. This means that after the oauth flow is completed with google, supabase auth returns a code in the query param which will be exchange for a pair of access and refresh tokens.

If you open up your browser network inspector when being redirected to http://localhost:3000?code...., you should be able to see requests made to /token?grant_type=pkce and check if they are failing. This is the endpoint that handles the code exchange i mentioned earlier. If no requests are made to that endpoint, can you reach out to us via support ( and we can investigate further.

NicolasDeGouveia commented 8 months ago

@kangmingtay I'm using it in the client-side. I don't know why but now it's seems to work, but now when i'm logged with google i'm well redirected to my homepage but i must press F5 to be able to see the user connected, even if i have a router.refresh() in my function :

    const handleSignGoogle = async () => {
        await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth({
            provider: 'google',
            options: {
                queryParams: {
                    access_type: 'offline',
                    prompt: 'consent',

Any ideas of why ?

kangmingtay commented 8 months ago

@NicolasDeGouveia not too sure what router.refresh() here does but calling it right after signInWithOAuth() won't help because signInWithOAuth() only redirects you to the oauth provider (google) to kickstart the oauth flow. After authenticating with google, you are actually redirected to an endpoint on Supabase Auth first before redirecting again back to the client.

You can try moving router.refresh() to your homepage and see if that helps. Since this issue is resolved, i'm gonna mark it as closed for now.