supabase / supabase-js

An isomorphic Javascript client for Supabase. Query your Supabase database, subscribe to realtime events, upload and download files, browse typescript examples, invoke postgres functions via rpc, invoke supabase edge functions, query pgvector.
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Bigint IDs result in broken queries and incorrect types #863

Open ozanmakes opened 1 year ago

ozanmakes commented 1 year ago

Bug report

Describe the bug

Both with Postgrest.js and generated TypeScript types Bigint types such as IDs are not represented well. With the default number JS representation of Bigint IDs the queries start breaking because of overflowing numbers. This is especially problematic when using a ID format that very frequently results in numbers larger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.

Postgrest supports queries such as id::text, however Supabase support for this leaves a lot to be desired. Two issues off the top of my head:

  1. API returns incorrect IDs when Bigint values overflow what JS number type allows. This results in scenarios such as this:

    • Create a row and ask it to return all the fields *.
    • Redirect the user to a page such as /items/<id>
    • Get 404 because the ID doesn't exists. It was incorrect because of overflowing number value.

    This can be sort of worked around using the casting syntax. But unfortunately;

  2. Postgrest.js doesn't support casting syntax such as id::text. Neither the issue from nearly a year ago nor my PR received a response from Supabase team.

  3. Generated types don't allow inserting Bigint or String values. Postgrest seem to be happy with passing string values however the types are generated like so:

    export interface Database {
    public: {
    Tables: {
      table_one: {
        Row: {
          id: number;
          foreign_id: number | null;
        Insert: {
          id?: number;
          foreign_id?: number | null;
        Update: {
          id?: number;
          foreign_id?: number | null;
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: "table_two_id_fkey";
            columns: ["foreign_id"];
            referencedRelation: "table_two";
            referencedColumns: ["id"];

A query like this results in an error:

    await this.supabase
      .insert({ foreign_id: "2193192389123" });

To Reproduce

  1. Create a table with Bigint ids, and columns with Bigint references to other tables with Bigint ids.
  2. Insert data with larger ID values than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
  3. Perform standard CRUD operations with JS SDK using TypeScript.
  4. Observe the issues such as wrong IDs being returned (runtime bug) and TypeScript errors (compile time bug)

Expected behavior

Supabase detects Bigint values, returns correct responses and generates correct code. Bigints seem to be handled better in Supabase Console with special treatment, however user code is still affected. Some possible fixes:

System information

stoicskyline commented 10 months ago

bigint is also represented as number in TypeScript when running npx supabase gen types.

      books: {
        Row: {
          id: number

Instead, these should be generated with string type or some representation of BigInt

Slyracoon23 commented 4 months ago

I have this exact problem. There is no elegant solution that I have come across yet

Slyracoon23 commented 4 months ago

We ran into this same issue in our application where we needed to query the database using bigint columns, but didn't want to break all the TypeScript types generated by the Supabase gen types tool.

As a workaround, we generated a computed column that casts the bigint to a string. For example:

ALTER TABLE public.thread_metadata
ADD COLUMN discord_thread_id_str text GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CAST(discord_thread_id AS text)) STORED;

This allows us to query using the discord_thread_id_str column and get back string values that play nicely with the generated TypeScript types, without modifying the underlying discord_thread_id bigint column.

However, this approach only solves the issue for querying data. We still have challenges with inserting bigint data via the Supabase client without breaking the type safety of the generated types.

It would be great to see better built-in support for bigint in the Supabase client and type generation to handle these common scenarios more elegantly.

Slyracoon23 commented 4 months ago

I've been experimenting with a potential workaround that maintains a two-way relationship between the bigint and string columns using PostgreSQL triggers. Check it out:

    IF NEW.reference_id_str IS NOT NULL AND NEW.reference_id IS NULL THEN
        NEW.reference_id := CAST(NEW.reference_id_str AS bigint);
    ELSIF NEW.reference_id IS NOT NULL AND NEW.reference_id_str IS NULL THEN
        NEW.reference_id_str := CAST(NEW.reference_id AS text);
    END IF;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE TRIGGER set_reference_id_trigger
BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON public.example_table
EXECUTE FUNCTION set_reference_id();

Here's the gist:

It's not a perfect solution, but it could help maintain data consistency between the two columns and provide some flexibility in how you insert and retrieve the data.

You can add a CHECK constraint to the table to ensure that the reference_id and reference_id_str columns always contain the same value.

Let me know what you think! Is this something that could be useful in your use case? I'm totally open to suggestions and improvements.