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vector upgrade breaks superbase (docker) #27240

Open stefanstidlffg opened 5 days ago

stefanstidlffg commented 5 days ago

the line to_timestamp is not working anymore:

is not working anymore. it's a deprecation

as i dont know the timeformat here, I dont know which formatstring is needed for parse_timestamp()

Any hint would be appreciated.

cyluss commented 4 days ago

The format string would be %d/%b/%Y:%T %z.

  1. I assume that log source is PostgREST

  2. Sample timestamp would be 06/May/2024:08:16:11 -0500 according to PostgREST observability documentation

  3. parse_timestamp function accepts strptime format string and is implemented in Rust chrono crate.

Here is a reproducible example for timestamp parsing:

use chrono::DateTime;
use chrono::offset::FixedOffset;
use chrono::format::ParseError;

fn parse_date(date_str: &str) -> Result<DateTime<FixedOffset>, ParseError> {
    DateTime::parse_from_str(date_str, "%d/%b/%Y:%T %z")

fn main() {
    let timestamp = "06/May/2024:08:16:11 -0500";
    println!("Original timestamp: {}", timestamp);

    match parse_date(timestamp) {
        Ok(date) => println!("Parsed date: {}", date),
        Err(e) => println!("Failed to parse date: {}", e),

which outputs

$ cargo run
    Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/debug/parse-pgrest-timestamp`
Original timestamp: 06/May/2024:08:16:11 -0500
Parsed date: 2024-05-06 08:16:11 -05:00
stefanstidlffg commented 4 days ago

Thanks for the help.

I forgot to mention that the version of vector I was trying to use is 0.38 while in the master branch we use 0.28.1 here.

Are there any reasons not to upgrade to 0.38? 0.2x version is quite old now.

cyluss commented 4 days ago

@stefanstidlffg Could you change the issue so it matches the issue template?

stefanstidlffg commented 4 days ago

I don't think it's a bug in the current code. It's just a breaking change if you ever go to vector 0.3x.

I could do a PR with the update to vector 0.38 if you prefer that. But I don't know if anything else is affected by the update.