supaero-aircraft-design / FAST-GA

FAST-(OAD)-GA is a framework for performing rapid Overall Aircraft Design for General Aviation Aircraft
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Generic mass breakdown #171

Open florentLutz opened 2 years ago

florentLutz commented 2 years ago

Mass breakdown is not generic enough which causes the second breakdown to crash

florentLutz commented 2 years ago

The crash does not actually come from the lack of genericity of the mass breakdwon but because it is too generic. The issue is here that the unusable fuel, which is named propulsion:unusable_fuel:mass, is taken to be plotted in the propulsion breakdown while is not used in the propulsion mass computation, which cause the issue. Temp fix is to exclude unusable fuel. More permanent fix could be having a list of variables used in the sum for the different submasses, which could then be reused in the post-processing function.