superarts / d2r-loot-filter

Diablo 2 Resurrected Loot Filter for Single Player and Bnet
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Random POE stuff #4

Open superarts opened 2 years ago

superarts commented 2 years ago
superarts commented 2 years ago

2/4: act 1 - act 3; figuring out the basic of trap build by myself (should have watched some leveling video) 2/5: act 3 - act 9; shouldn't have done 3 low level heist contracts; should start using up low level archnemesis stuff earlier (didn't know the stash is so tiny); 16=80 2/6: act 9 - t7 map; it was a big mistake that I spent too much time doing archnemesis, it's actually a waste of time on low level - should just speed run and aim for max XP. Lv 74. 71=150 2/7: t7 - barely doing t16 maps; Lv 83. Maps are plenty and Kirac missions are not even needed until t14. Atlas 53/117. 96=180 2/8: Lv 88. It was actually wrong to push to T16 too early, I thought more t16 maps would drop but it was not really the case. Should have focused on leveling by running all maps and build atlas passive. At this point, I could do 74=111 but I need to bump up my power level now, as there's not much room to gain from passive anymore. Currently I'm running a 5-link carcass jack which might not be a good idea, as most people are running defensive rare chest. 2/9: Lv 90, atlas almost finished and things start slowing down. I'm at a spot where I was in in the end of last league, which took me a month to get there: toxic rain that can do guardians but can't do shapers etc. 2/10: Lv 92, leveling is pretty much impossible doing maps as death penalty is huge. Mining from lv 81 to 83 and it's good XP (says 80 mil per hour but feels more). Obtained eater and searing exarch voidstones, which is surprisingly easy. Switched to the Devouring Diadem w/ Pride, switched out life tap and recycled 40% physical damage passive which is unfortunate, but not struggling with mana anymore. 263=230 as I'm not ready to switch to Carcass yet (which is 4.5ex ~= 540c). 2/11: Respec atlas passive to focus on boss + harbinger + rogue exile for fast map run, currency, and maven. Unfortunately got pwn'ed by 10 boss maven, which means there will be a long way to go to fight Maven herself. Got 208c, 1ex and a lot of other currencies, thinking of going back to Carcass Jack which costs 5ex now.

superarts commented 2 years ago


I gave up running Mavens. My seismic trap build doesn't work well with speed running bosses, so I ended up buying another 5 splints at 100c, and payed 50c for carrying as I would definitely screw it up in my first try. This is just to unlock the voidstone to avoid low tier maps.

The same goes to Uber elder. I already had enough pieces for 2 shaper fights and it's easier than I thought, so I spent my only Elder sets and got pwned, it's like wasting 30c. I spent another 60c for the rest 2 elder fragments, and the seller introduced his friend to help me for free, which is awesome.

It's actually possible to get maven voidstone for 50c without investing in the wits, as mine didn't pay off at all anyway, even with my full maven passive. Uber elder should be more expensive like 120 for all fragments and 50c for carry, but I already got almost everything (if I didn't screw it up) and I actually got a watchers eye. However I identified it by mistake and now it may sit in my stash forever.

So if I would start it again, I would probably start with a mapper build to league start, as you can always pay for the kill if you can make a lot of currency efficiently, which I'm still trying for figure out.

Firstly, I started with full boss passives, and when I dicided to run maven (which turns out to be meaningless as paying for 50 to get voidstone is much faster) after I beat eater and the other new boss (I could buy for boss kill too) I recycled new bosses points for rogue exile and harbinger. I run them until I got all voidstones. I think rogue exiles are fine, although they move too fast and not very good for trapper. For harbinger it was kind of disappointing, I only got less than 20 exalt shards with full passives, while I got one ex from ritual, which is more suitable for trapper as a zoner.

However, I didn't go with ritual in my current iteration, because I started running expedition since I never truly understand the mechanism. It turns out to be pretty rewarding, I got my gear upgrades from Rog crafting and it was pretty fun. It was pretty easy to craft gears if influenced mods are not mandatory, and I was able to recycle some defensive passives for damage. Next step would probably be more survivability from gear and invest in cluster jewels, as I think I am understanding how it works now.

So it's been a week and I'm already in a spot that I couldn't be in from a month gameplay in the last season, and things were cheaper back then in the end of league. Now I'm trying expedition and strongbox with eater passives and plan to keep running eater maps with alter only and see how it goes. So far strongbox is very disappointing, I'll keep going for a while and see how it goes. Today's rate is 240=120, so selling more and earning less. Which is good for me as I spent 210c without selling loots yet, and I still got 1 ex left.

superarts commented 2 years ago

2/17: 200=200 which is a pretty good deal for me, since no one wants small amount of currency anymore Did 5-way leveled from 93 to 95 Delve to 315 Heist leveled Gianna to lv5, return from trinket is very disappointing Strongbox feels weak too, maybe I need to craft 'em properly. Expedition still feels really good. Got to try some other atlas builds but lack of respec currency.

superarts commented 2 years ago

leveling gears, 3+1000=380 and this will be my last business this league. 80 + 150 + 180 + 230 + 120 + 200 + 380 = 1340 in total.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Started Friday with skeleton mage. Day 1 to mapping, day 2 unlocked half of atlas and doing red maps on day 3. Eventually got to lv 87 and experimenting searing / maven farming.

Maven nodes + elder + shaper + conqueror nodes seem to be pretty decent, however synthesis / unique map nodes are very questionable.

Searing / eater farming turned out to be really slow if I'm doing map bosses. With spare T14-T16 maps, doing influence only run would result 2 invitations, which is only 50c. If trading maps would be easy, this method wouldn't really work but burning maps is still better than sitting on them (maybe?).

superarts commented 2 years ago

I gave up skeleton mage necro on the other account. The slow movement speed is not as good as my trapper, and although it's a bit tanker, with 20% more HP and capped block rates, it's hard to say it's much tankier than trapper.

So I started another absolution necro on my main account 6 days ago - because +50% currency party drop is not notable at all - and had 5 or 6 failure Maven attempt with similar amount of Sirus failure from level 89.

Eventually, I got to level 92 and with kingmaker and +2 skill wand (2ex, yolo'ed annul and got a suffix removed which is around 1ex gain), I was finally able to do Maven with -300% lighting res Absolution necromancer. Brought 10 writs with 7 ex, used 8, and failed once. The key is to avoid messing up with the floor with slow pools, TBH if pool orbs were red color or something, the game would be much, much easier. Risky point includes pools at final stage (which would almost 100% mess up your memory games if you got unlucky patterns), degen beam spawns at your location immediately, and so on; being able to tank the ice shotgun and ground DOT is the key. Absolution could phase Maven very quick ONLY if she spawns close and your absolutions would spawn quick too, so it's a good league starter, but is not a good end game build as you can't melt boss 100% of the time.

So, with 5 ex worth writs, I was able to get about 2.5ex value awakened gem, and about 0.5ex value chaos. So it could be 20%-40% loss if you don't do a large amount of Maven to make lucky drops more consistent. Luckily for me, I got 22 ex lucky drop, so I'll stop at this point as it's proven that doing Maven perhaps is not as good as selling writs directly.

PS: beat Sirus for the first time, not sure why I was able to tank Die beam 4-5 times in a row. Just lucky?

superarts commented 2 years ago

I swear this is gonna be the last trade 20=400, so 1740 in total.

superarts commented 2 years ago

RF fire trap inq, lv 92 and doing delve 460+, face tank Sirus most of the time. Builds summary here:

I've played 3 builds this league and all budgets are around 10 ex. And there's no problem starting with 100 chaos budget as you will be running t16 maps anyway, which is very easy to deal with. Better gear is only needed when you start bossing like Shaper IMO.

  1. trapper
    1. offense: fast AOE damage + very high slow AOE damage; cast screens away
    2. defense: high regen despite map mods; 100% suppress with reasonable armor; moving fast; very safe hit and run play style
    3. pros: all contents; no worries about no regen / reflect damage etc; great zoner for legion / blight etc; fast clean speed; enough damage for most bosses
    4. cons: can't face tank maven / sirus; can't clean mobs ahead of you beyond a screen so you may need to backtrace loots if mobs are killed by seismic but not exsanguinate (not common)
  2. absolution
    1. offense: -200% lightning res; very high single target damage with decent AOE
    2. defense: high blocking; 80% elemental + chaos res + elemental converts to chaos with reasonable armor
    3. pros: face tank maven and melt her really quick; face tank most bosses
    4. cons: slow movement speed; weak against DOT; can't face tank sirus last phase; lightning is generally OK but is still a weakness; can't do reflection; no regen is painful to run
  3. RF + fire trap
    1. offense: small AOE + DOT
    2. defense: 90% elemental res; 76% chaos res; high armor; a bit block and evasion if needed; high regen
    3. pros: very tank; face tank sirus all attacks (but you may still want to dodge the meteor); currently at delve 450+ and still face tank everything
    4. cons: damage is OK as it still burns sirus and maven down but can't compare with others; small AOE is not so good against legion / blight etc; avoid no regen

I also tried skeleton mage on another account and if I have to choose my league starter again, I'd probably choose skeleton mage, mainly because it can do all contents and is a bit tankier than my trapper. I'm also selling my chars / leveling service if anyone is interested:

superarts commented 2 years ago

Finished 32 challenges today, again this is my first league seriously playing the game, and (I think) I've figured out about 50% of the contents. Not sure what takes D2R so long but POE is pretty fun so far.

At this point, bossing and delving doesn't seem to be as profitable as running juiced maps. So next league perhaps I'll play a mapper instead.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Sold my whole RF build for 700. It's a meta build and has the potential to reach 100, but that's not my goal so I may start with a new build. Reasons to not play this build:

It would work very well for my previous bossing setup, or something like bossing + strongbox + essence + shrine maybe mirror and ritual too, but I'm just done with bossing, as the most profit would be from service, which was the best at league start, and requires too much communication (I don't want to talk to people if it's possible).

superarts commented 2 years ago

Rerolled Inquisitor to Spark and I'm very disappointed. The skill can't really kill mobs 2 screens ahead because sparks will be running divided and you need to recast while you move across one screen, which is even worse than exsanguinate due to the underwhelming chaining ability. With 84% elemental res and regen it's tankier than trapper, but the density of spark is not as good as I expected.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Leveled up an ice nova inq for 1200 Sold 75=1000

I still have 20-30ex worth items, plus maybe 10-20ex worth gear. But I think I'm mostly done with POE for now. I finished 38 challenges a couple of days ago and I'd say it's been good to play POE for 2 months.

However, some reddit communities simply suck. I found that r/Diablo/ and r/PathOfExileBuilds are pretty good in general, but r/Diablo_2_Resurrected and r/pathofexile are full of downvoting jerks and stupid meditators. I guess it has nothing to do whether a subreddit is smaller or larger, but if there are jerks, they tend to gather together.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Just finished playing Zizaran's 3.17 Gauntlet for a day. This mode is really stupid: double enemy damage, insane speed buff, +2 projectile, and double health for bosses. I kept myself 4-5 levels above map level and still died at lv 23.


The people who made up these rules are retarded. But anyway, if you want to challenge this, start doing archnemesis at lv 10 or above, because the lowest archnemesis level is 6 and you want to be safe. Even the crap mobs give you rare items and useful unique. I got a tabula by luck so I didn't have any problem dealing damage, but it's too hard to scale defense early game. Again, I enjoyed the challenge but fuck Zizaran.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Re-roll my ice/lightning spark inq to pure lightning inq and it's way better. I don't understand why people are saying ice spark would be safe; there are so many mobs in the map and it feels stupid to check each mod everything you run a map. On top of that, lightning spark does more damage thanks to Herald of Lightning and righteous fire, and is more tanky due to corrupted soul and high regen stack. However, it still die to high critical burst from some mods, so I feel like without using the Brass Dome it's hard to say a build is truly tanky.

Sold some cheap currency for 50.

Sold absolution necro for 45ex. It was good to learn bossing, although there are still some bosses I haven't challenged yet (Uber Elder, the Feared). I'm considering building a skeleton mage as my currently is at lv85, who runs T16 with easy and it's using a 5-link. Maybe I can build something that's even better.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Sold 5+71 for 70+800 last week. Just sold skeleton mage for 45ex. This is surprisingly the tankiest character I've played; even righteous fire inquisitor die to some random expedition mods like ignore armor / impale / critical strike etc. but skeleton mage basically tanks everything due to its minion nature. And my build has no problem clearing Simulacrum wave 28, although at wave 29 my minions melt all of sudden.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Built a Cremation necro and sold for 80 ex. This is the first build I was able to clear Simulacrum wave 30 w/ 4 rewards, which requires a lot of tankiness (skeleton mage finished wave 28 but minions died instantly on wave 29; lightning spark inquisitor died at wave 17 and trapper died at wave 10, which was very surprising). Delve 470 was a piece of cake to this build.

superarts commented 2 years ago

120=1150 this is probably be the last one