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POE 3.19 Cremation League Start #11

Open superarts opened 1 year ago

superarts commented 1 year ago


This page is a simplified version of this guide. I'm not going to explain my convention here but roughly speaking it's always about "to go where" and "to do what", so it assumes you already leveled up once or twice at least and know what you are doing.

This cremation version is based on tytykiller's "level 1-80 under 6 hours" video.

How to use

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

Act 4

Act 5

Act 6

Act 7

Act 8

Act 9

Act 10


superarts commented 1 year ago

Gems setup

G1 attack 1, 4-6 link

lv 28, bbrr

G2 attack, 4 link

G3 corpse, 2 link

G3 movement, 2 link

G4 curse, 3 link

G5 & G6, flexible 3s x 2

superarts commented 1 year ago

Días uno act 7. Días dos level 72 / t3 map. 1d48=740+420, could be 760 if I waited a bit longer but it's too late now.

It's slower than last league because I tried to level up an alt to build 2 mirrors at the same time. At this point it doesn't pay off at all, low level lakes are pretty bad. These league mechanisms feel good during campaign (however you should still not doing them because XP is the most important thing), became really bad at low level mapping, and I assume will become good again at T16. I reached level 80 on day 3 last league and I don't think I can get to that tomorrow if I need playing like this.

I feel like I'm bad at speed run in general, never been good in D3 level 70. And I'm still not sure the best way to soak as much XP as possible to get to level 90. Still tons of room to improve!

PS: currencies are from lucky campaign drop and heist. Heist doesn't give good xp, but if you do a bunch of heist from 63/64 to 67/68 before killing Kitava, it's very easy to get 30c to buy 6 link and life+res gears. The only question is that: how pro games rush to level 90 in day 1 without doing all these...

superarts commented 1 year ago

At the end of day 3 I was at level 81, struggling getting into yellow maps. The good thing is that I got a divine lucky drop so I can afford phantasmal cremation. The bad thing is that last league I was at level 88, doing T16 maps on day 3.

I suspect if I should have league started with a meta build. I see a lot of complaining like the archnemesis last time.

superarts commented 1 year ago

End of day 4, level 85. Brought maven and Uber elder voidstones on day 2 and day 3, and still don't get the other 2 voidstones because of the terrible loot. I can figure out gear but maps just DONT FUCKING DROP.

PS i was wondering why reddit hated TFT and now I understand, TFT mods are a bunch of jerks. Must be a bunch of teenagers playing "respect my authority" game, stupid losers.

superarts commented 1 year ago

Day 6 at level 92. Purchased +5 corpse helm, watches eye etc, and respec to cluster jewel build. The next big things are going to be 6 link chest for 3d, aegis for 12d, and ashes for 12d. Probably I won't go with melding, so that without purify of ice, reserve will be very easy (to add purify of elements).

superarts commented 1 year ago

Since Chris (I don't want to call his name, but he used Chris account instead of a GGG account so it's more accurate to mention the name here) kept saying Reddit was telling lies, besides all the data points there, I'll post some AN loots I encountered. I don't have MF char and won't ask for MF culler service, so even if I hit the jackpot I'll still be unlucky because you now NEED to "get your MF character ready" but so far I haven't hit any jackpot yet.

Let's see the shit pots we get instead.

image image image Got 9 jewels, filtered by loot filter. Probably missed more these. image image image

superarts commented 1 year ago

Sold this for 99 chaos, let me check why: image

Edit: so it's the best expedition, makes sense

superarts commented 1 year ago

image image image

OK finally hit the jackpot after killing 278.213 monsters.


superarts commented 1 year ago

Sold my v0.1 build for 16 div with some tips to buyer:

1. without aegis, this build can't always facetank if there's DOT (although as you can see in the video, if simu 30 bosses are doing 200% damage, we can still facetank). but we have leap slam so it's easy to get out of battle, again my playstyle is shown in the videos.
2. this build works from level 90, you can drop the damage nodes to spiritual aid and add some points in energy shield and armor. after level 95, you can aim for energy shield/armor or some defensive mastery.
3. this build is orignally based on necromancer, the guide is here: and if you look at, most people are still using necro.
4. i chose scion and it works pretty good for me. necromancer is mainly for bone offering's high block. there are a lot of other options you can choose from, and luckily for us, scion's forbidden flame/flesh are not super expensive.
5. about update path, aegis aurora should be good but due to the AN change this league, i'm not sure if we can always be immortal. currently my recovery is based on 3% leech (1% from mastery, 2% from trickster) and at peak i can get 3k regen in group fight, 1k one on one. with aegis this number will be even higher.
6. we don't worry about cast speed if it's necromancer, but for scion, cast speed will help DPS. no need to get super high though, 5 (0.2 sec) is the max number that will benefit us.
7. again, brine king is mandatory, either physical DOT or ignite for minor. if you want to replace jewel, always have corrupted blood immue even if you have pantheon. big QOL improvement no need to worry about that.
8. if you are in a map with a lot of hex curses, swap left and right rings.
9. the current version is using a gold flask, you can replace it with the supression 10% one or the evasion +1500 one, both will help a little bit, but it's 3.19 so rarity may be more important :)
superarts commented 1 year ago

Sold my v2.4 for 60 div with tips:

1. we use scion's occulist forbidden jewels to save us 3 points from double curse. we also have stun immune, and this build runs purity of elements, so we don't have to run brine king anymore (it's mandatory for stun and freeze immune for some other builds). so now we run lunaris for extra physical and elemental reduction.
2. for minor pantheon, i run tukohama due to our melee stationary playstyle, you can witch to burning ground immune or reflection reduction to run some specific map mods (not needed in simu), or bleed reduction which i don't find a big thread with this build.
3. for mapping you can replace evasion flasks with quicksilver, it makes leap slam a bit faster
4. for leveling, this is the tytykiller video i was talking about: he doesn't have a POB though
5. for leveling, if you run his cremation / arma brand build, don't go with CI too early for a larger HP pool. leveling HP pool is always 300*act means 3000 HP+ES on act 10
6. drop spiritual aid, caster speed nodes when low level. as soon as you hit level 70 and can use phantasaml cremation/unearth, you should have pretty good damage while mapping
7. it's pretty hard to keep improving this build, the possible paths are
7.1. melding which requires very good gloves boots belts because we don't really want to drop magic rings for crit and hex immue, crit damage increase is very common in simu
7.2. better gems
7.3. crit build which requires mirror tier investment, but with mirror tier probably you'd play some other builds... but in case you are curious, check this guide out but note that 100% suppress wont work in 3.19

I think that's it, thanks again mate and lemme know if you have any questions or problems. gl hf!