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POE 3.20 #18

Open superarts opened 1 year ago

superarts commented 1 year ago


This page is a simplified version of this guide. I'm not going to explain my convention here but roughly speaking it's always about "to go where" and "to do what", so it assumes you already leveled up once or twice at least and know what you are doing.

How to use

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

Act 4

Act 5

Act 6

Act 7

Act 8

Act 9

Act 10


superarts commented 1 year ago

Day 1, level 68, 42c from heist leveling from 62 to 68.

But I kind of don't want to play anymore because this game feels really stupid...

superarts commented 1 year ago

Day 2, level 80, res 75/66/71/64, capped suppression, 3974 HP. Clear speed on T16 is great but bossing takes quite a while.

However, it feels really stupid to keep playing this game. I think I've had enough and I'll quit all Diablo games, like I quitted Hearthstone and other card games. Without RMT, it serves no purpose to optimize your skill in Diablo games.

superarts commented 1 year ago

On day 3 I got to lv 83 and went AFK, and I'll be back to the game and start over as I was able to make a 29u=44s trade.

superarts commented 1 year ago

I leveled another PC to level 70, easily done 51% quantity T6 map.

superarts commented 1 year ago

Rerolled shadow, it took me 2 days to get to level 70. If I ignored league mechanism it should be doable in 1 day. Shadow PC is about 70%-80% weaker than path finder, and at level 70 PC is still better than traps. But PC is so strong that even with Shadow, campaign and early map progression is still quite smooth.

superarts commented 1 year ago

Level 87, switched to trapper. Damage boost is obvious but with starting 10c gear of course T16 maps won't feel good.

superarts commented 1 year ago

Day 3 (or day 4, if it takes 2 days to finish campaign) got to level 90, farmed a bit on day 4 and T16 is pretty easy without a lot of altar/expedition debuff at this point. Still using 10c gears, just spent some chaos in better gems. It's definitely a smoother league starter than cremation/skeleton mage I've played.

superarts commented 1 year ago

接下来几天工作忙没怎么玩,圣诞期间玩了两天,升到92级,除了幸运掉落1d 3ex(这已经是不幸了),赚了大概900c,主要收入来自卖神庙。神庙一百二到一百五不等,有atlas被动算是比较稳定的收入来源,发财做不到,换build的起步资金没多大问题。当然算成钱就很可怜了,900c 不到4d,价值只有两三块钱... 当然赛季第一周大概能到三四十。所以下赛季可以考虑scion PC,能卖得出去就卖,卖不出去转cremation。



跟3.17的critical seismic相比,毒陷阱起步难度低,装备上不用找攻击词缀就能打出不错的伤害,guardian级别没啥压力。但是问题在于tree上攻击node太多,跟cremation比起来,没有大投入伤害应该还不足以秒maven,防御方面除了高回复也没什么亮点,不用担心DOT还算不错,但物理方面对付高暴击是一点办法也没有。网上傻逼reddit动辄就说某个build tanky,妈的丫连sim 30都做不到算什么tanky.