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D2R Ladder 3 #21

Open superarts opened 1 year ago

superarts commented 1 year ago

Day 2: 搞错了Ladder 3的时间,今天上线发现已经开了一整天了,瞬间丧失兴趣。随便打了打到第三幕14级 ~,觉得没啥意思,这个赛季就放弃吧。~

Day 3: 晚开了两天虽然进度差了很多,但是有三个账号可以挂机还是有操作的余地。法师小号通关,法师大号卡Baal任务,圣骑地狱A3。大号如下:

··· lv 73 blizz sorc 80 fcr 2k blizz damage offhand 85% MF ready to farm hell meph ···

Day 4: 用lem和其他低级符文换了精神剑盾,做了低级insight,开始清普通噩梦任务。带小号地狱chaos到25级,然后依次普通噩梦baal,大概四十次能到六十。

superarts commented 1 year ago
superarts commented 1 year ago

I think I'm pretty much done this season. I played a lot last season, comparing with which the game is not very enjoyable right now:

  1. The cold mastery nerf. Basically cold sorc is at the same level at where fire/lighting sorc is at, which SUCKS. Without infinity/other GG gear it's very hard to kill cold immune mobs at 3pp. Instead of buffing fire/lightning, Blizzard nerfed Blizzard Sorceress and it feels like crap.
  2. All map revealers are banned, along with my previous account. Without it, it feels terrible to teleport through the map like an idiot, either to find your way to Andy/Milph etc or to hunt down elite mobs with slight color change (or auras, if you are lucky). It's simply not fun.
  3. Trading without d2jsp sucks. As I stated in other places, on discord there are much more sellers than buyers and the market is pretty much like dead. There's a pretty cool Discord server "Diablo 2 Crypto Hub" but there ain't enough users so far.
  4. Selling account on epicnpc is also a dead market. I managed to sell a POE account previously but I guess I was just lucky. I'm pretty sure there's enough demand to drive a market, but unless you are very dedicated, you can't even find such markets.

Anyway, on Ladder 2, day 6, I was on level 89/81. If I keep running Baal for another day I'll have high level than that but due to the reasons stated above, I'll probably go back play Nioh which is more enjoyable. At least that game requires some skill.

superarts commented 1 year ago

挂了五个毁灭护符,一顿交易猛于虎,全身换了skullder,arachnid,CTA,cold skiller等等装备,武器ist,头盔facet,衣服um,暴风雪伤害5k同时抗性正数,1.5k生命,打baal不用磕光血瓶了。


superarts commented 1 year ago

上个月错过了Ladder 4开始时间(May the 4th),前天晚上升到14级,昨天被人带过地狱然后CS升到80,今天刷了meph。因为已经过了快两个月,服务器犹如鬼服,discord交易频道还是一样坑爹,虽然有人送了35 FCR精神剑,自己也做出来35 FCR精神盾,但劳模一直没出货。两天82级AFK。