superarts /
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POE 3.22 #31

Open superarts opened 11 months ago

superarts commented 11 months ago

Overloaded Circuits

This allows you to have 3 random atlas passives with double the cost.



Mechanism Cost Total Notables Summary Notes
Essence 4c 4 tier, double, more, additional pay 4c for 10 essence on average, pretty good?
Shrine 6c 4 covetous, effec, pack, additional pay 6c to buff yourself and loot, not good enough?
Breach 8c 12 too many notables spec atals yourself
Harbinger 12c 3 boss, currency, additional pay 12c to get 4 harbingers
Legion 12c 10 too many notables spec atlas yourself
Deli 20c 10 too many notables spec atlas yourself
Ritual 20c 8 not a lot of meaningful notables not worth it


If it works with fortune favors the braves, it's not bad. 6c for empowered random mechanism is not bad.

If not, essence, shrine, or harbinger should all be viable, depending on your farming strategy. If you go left you can choose harbinger and if you go right, you can do essence. Personally I'd do expedition + craft essence.

Update: it was confirmed that OC works with FFTB. Spending 6c to get a random semi allocated mechanism may not be bad when you have enough chaos to spend.

superarts commented 11 months ago


superarts commented 10 months ago

image To garden WP, lv 27

superarts commented 10 months ago

image To garden WP, lv 27

superarts commented 10 months ago

image To garden WP, lv 26

To conclude my last 3 runs:

superarts commented 10 months ago

No matter how fast or slow your loading screen is, logging out to character select screen then come back is always faster than using TP early game in some acts because of spawn position, and loading screens are there anyway. (*1)

However, there are certain places you can use TP to make your run a bit faster, and you just need to leave enough TPs for these places and you can vendor the additional TPs early game for ID or trans orb. Make sure you leave TPs for:

In general, don't buy one even if you don't have one. Just spend 10 more seconds to walk, usually it's better than spending 3 ID scrolls early game.

*1: an exception is in A1 at first time entering Lioneye Watch, if you have a fast machine, logging out then logging in is faster than walking to get your skill gem from NPC, and it's slower to do so on an old machine. But this doesn't count as TP anyway.

Posted to reddit

superarts commented 10 months ago


lv 65, done 4 contracts before killing kitava

superarts commented 10 months ago

image image image

SSF top 731, converting to trade league

superarts commented 10 months ago


End of day 1, lv 75, 3 labs

Wasted a lot of time in heist and league mechanism.

superarts commented 10 months ago

image image

web archive doesn't work very well... After night I'm ranked in top 642.

superarts commented 10 months ago

最后在77级转trade,不过cache只抓到76 image

superarts commented 10 months ago

End of day 2, lv 88, purchased +2 weapon and ashes with all my curency.

superarts commented 10 months ago

Expedition chance:

superarts commented 10 months ago

end of day 4 progress (in order):

superarts commented 10 months ago

Sold my poison cremation today, I plan to restart with SRS and see if it works in sanctum / ancestor.

superarts commented 10 months ago


SRS lv 66 in 7.5 hours. Spent 1 hour buying stashes and half in farming lv 67 syndicate encounters, so it could be within 6 hours I stay focused. SRS is a very good leveling build due to single target damage.

superarts commented 10 months ago

image image Grinding TOTA, Lv 97 now

superarts commented 10 months ago

image 1984 -> 1996 -> 2000. Can confirm highest rank is at 2k.

superarts commented 9 months ago


Sabo miner. Slowest leveling EVER with the best leveling gear.

superarts commented 9 months ago


12 hours lv 73, 2.4k life died a lot in yellow maps. Time to switch to a TOTA build.

superarts commented 9 months ago


lv 90 slow leveling through rank 2000 tota. No multiple divine rewards at all, ninja nerf?

I'm going to switch to Sanctum and see if lv 90 will be good enough.