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3.18 Absolution League Start #5

Open superarts opened 2 years ago

superarts commented 2 years ago


This page is a simplified version of this guide. I'm not going to explain my convention here but roughly speaking it's always about "to go where" and "to do what", so it assumes you already leveled up once or twice at least and know what you are doing.

Combining with Tytykiller's Absolution leveling guide

How to use

Act 1


Act 2


Act 3

Act 4

Act 5

Act 6

Act 7

Act 8

Act 9

Act 10


/passives to check if you have obtained all 24 skill points.

superarts commented 2 years ago

I checked my 3.17 league start journal, and at the end of day 3 this league, I was in a similar spot at day 5 last league. This is my second league start so I'm getting better obviously, but there are still a lot to learn.

The good thing is to get prepared with this build guide. Absolution is a good leveling skill, I barely had any difficulty fighting any act bosses. It kills quick and I just died a couple of times I think.

However, I could have done better by:

superarts commented 2 years ago

Did a bunch of gem blueprint and not surprising at all, it was pretty bad. Now I understand that gem type is heavily weighted, and that's why you generally only get really bad gems. Again, Heist is something I'm still learning, and it does provide some steady income, so it's a good thing to play around with. But next league I'll definitely focus on mapping.

Similar thing happened last league, that I did a lot delving and it turned out to be a complete waste of time. At least Heist is better in terms of currency gain.

I struggled a lot at T15 map, and finally I was able to defeat eater of the world. Map drop rate is a much bigger problem than bossing itself. Hopefully with the first world stone, I'll be able to get more high tier maps to unlock the rest worldstones.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Unlike last league, now I know what build I'm looking for so I just sold some chaos at really early stage. I saved all exalts I made and invested in my skeleton mage, which works well in blight, logbook, juiced t16 etc. My biggest purchase was 100 chaos dead reckoning on day 3, and 6 link fleshcrafter with 5 exalts. I crafted some pretty good minion items which worths 10 ex, and tried to sell at 18 ex with jewels, flasks, swap gems etc. but of course, too many people are playing this meta build so not a lot of people would buy the whole build.

Yesterday I saved 6 ex and purchased cremation at a relatively low price. My plan was to save for aegis aurora which is the key part of the cremation build. And I was farming Alva and hope to get the skeleton and specter number craft, and if I'd hit that, I'd get rid of my cheap pieces and replace with better defense and offense.

But just now someone was asking for cheap skeleton mage build, and I decide to sell at 13 ex because again, it's not so easy to sell a meta build that is not min maxed. (Last league I sold my skeleton mage at 45 ex mostly because it could handle sim wave 28, which will be hard in this league due to the nerf drop rate of aegis aurora and ashes of the star.) Eventually the guy paid 9 ex and 580 chaos, and I'll respec to cremation tomorrow. I will need to choose between unearth and ashes of the star I think.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Ok I lied. Just sold 12 for 1560 and I will buy ex back tomorrow as I foresee 1560 can get 15 back tomorrow. Having said this, I probably would build a cheaper cremation and see how it goes first. In the end, the later I buy ex back, the more I'll end up with.

I still have 800c in bank, which is not enough for aurora but it will be enough for me to get high level gem etc.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Instead of purchasing the key items, I decided to build my cremation necro with shit gear and see how went. I started with resetting tree, and energy shield gear but was almost pwn'ed by corrupted T14 map. I was super squishy and anything just one shot me, and my damage was miserable. It could kill but was really slow.

I thought it was due to aegis aurora, so I brought ES recovery shield and it was the same result. It was fixed by using a cheap 5 link incandescent heart. It magically solved my defense problem, and after my level 1 support gems reached to level 13 or 14, it started to feel good. I'd say it's tackier than my skelly mage, and damage is at least not worse.

So I sold my 696c with 5 decks for 630. Today I could buy 6 ex for 630 so that with my 1 ex I would be able to afford aegis, but I will wait for tomorrow to get better value. I like today's experiment, and now I'm pretty confident that even without ashes of the star, this build will still work.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Worst Tujen ever, can't even take a single item lol image

superarts commented 2 years ago

It's been a while and I got lv 95 today. Although cremation is almost immortal, my version doesn't have 90% elemental res, so if there's +200% elemental damage (monsters gain ~100% physical damage converted to fire/ice/electric) I may die if I sit in 50 mobs. Of course, dealing with it is simple: just make sure you are not surrounded and you'll be fine. Other mods like monsters deal more damage, #% chance impale, penetrate #% elemental res etc. you may need to flame dash every 3 seconds, but if you are careful, sim 30 deathless is not too hard. To me it's definitely more than 50% of the time that I don't die a single time in simu and the chance only gets higher if I have more experience (I only did less than 10 simu runs, and 100% of them are wave 30, 4 rewards).

Today I sold my Cremation for 50ex and some good items, and unlike last league that I tried several builds, I'm going to rebuild another Cremation because it's really a strong build. A lot of people are complaining about Archnemesis mod, personally I don't like them either, not because they are hard/annoying/not fun, but because drop rate is totally crap. Most drop comes from sentinel so if you don't smartly use them, 3.18 is totally crap in terms of mapping, and I guess that's why a lot of people are complaining. However if you are using meta builds like Skelly mage, trapper, even cremation, archnemesis doesn't really do much. They are not as deadly as those crazy +100% damage map / sim / expedition mods.

Although Sim is pretty profitable, especially in this league that emblems are cheaper and you can sell challenge for 20-40c, I probably won't do much anymore. I plan to do more bossing to see how good it is, I feel like it should be able to do all bosses but let's see.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Just got Lv 96 with cremation 3.0 and if it's not nerfed, I'll probably keep playing it next league as it is a very solid build, and I enjoy it the most comparing with trapper, summoner etc. RF is close but in general cremation is better than RF if you are ok with standing still, which is a plus during hard contents like delirium because you don't really have anywhere to go. And if you do need to move, a build with shield charge is much better than a build without, for example skeleton mage which requires a lot of skill gems.

I sold cremation 2.2 for 50 ex. I was about to sell 2.1 for 90 ex but buyer was short on budget so I cut melding and phantasmal unearth, and showcased how tanky this build was - standing in 250 depth delve or elder guardian doing nothing was ok, and killing speed was not bad either. I relatively quickly rebuilt this 3.0 version with capped elemental res, corrupted immune, and more armor. The process would be much after if trading system in this game doesn't suck.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Sold my cremation 3.0 for 90 and sold 101 for 4700, and I'm going AFK this weekend to work on an urgent project. It was 3 weeks and I'm at a point in last league that I spend 2 months to achieve, and in this league, I figured out more mechanisms and strategies around heist and delirium, which were a few left overs last league.

Unfortunately, both mechanisms don't work very well with sentinels, which they say is pretty OP. The problem is that the mechanism is not fun. Finishing a map after deploying 3 stalks is not fun for me. I want to finish a map. I want to make the boss harder and kill it. That's why I'm mainly playing delirium mirror - delirium map - simulacrum. This route is challenging enough, can utilize sentinels a bit, and we still run the full map which is pretty hard as you can't blindly enable all altars, otherwise a 1000% base damage boss would one shot you with a hit that ignores all your armor. Again, this is not the most profitable version but it's pretty fun to play, and you don't need to spend time trading at all, cuz trading in this game SUCKS.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Sold cremation 4.1 for 50ex, buyer was struggling with sim wave 22, but we worked together and found his problems (mostly in passive tree) and he was able to finish wave 30 eventually. As I finished wave 30 myself 3 times in a row without dying, it should be pretty solid. Sold 40 for 960 and I made cremation 5.0, with 3 new things added: purity of elements, the large circle jewel, and inspired learning. So forbidden flame and flesh are out and I also sacrificed a large cluster jewel, not sure how good or bad this new setup is.

At this point 1=24, I don't think I'll play as much, and will go back to my PS5 I suppose. Selling 5 builds felt pretty good as building character has more fun than actually playing the contents.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Reached to lv 97 with cremation 5.1, which replaced forbidden flame and flesh with purity of elements. It takes more to build but I'll probably sell it cheap at 40 ex tomorrow, as I may not push lv 98 and I'll skip the challenges too. Personally I don't like the challenges at all, as I don't enjoy contents like breach and Uber bosses are terrible designed, especial the loot. It encourages people to do Ubers and sell challenge, which I absolutely hate. Yes, I'm selling sim wave 30 challenge, but I still spend more time playing than recruiting. Can't say it's the same for bossers.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Sold cremation v5.1 for 49 ex, I achieved 2 player wave 29 (bot died at wave 30) and to be honest after wave 27 it was too slow to kill bosses so it doesn't really pay off. The price of ashes of the star is too high but I really want to build some around it. Maybe next time.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Sold cremation v6.0 for 33ex + awakened gems, the build was 50ex but I was able to tweak it a bit by replacing an expensive pair of gloves, and fix mana issue by allocating a passive skill. I also sold a lot of expensive gears so I'm building a v7.0 cremation with ashes of the stars finally. This will be my last build I think.

A very good question about Cremation build.

Q: I've never played a build like this, is there something specific you're doing so that the build is doing AFK Simu30 maps, or is the build just designed that the abilities and flasks go off all by themselves?

A: Firstly there's no true "AFK" builds in simu, unlike blight. Mobs may spawn too far away in some places, so at least you need to move to another end of the map to hunt them down. "AFK" means you don't need to dodge mobs at all in this context, since you can set up a mouse macro to spam skills - in cremation, it's cremation and unearth, each has 0.2s or 0.3s cooldown. The can be spammed manually or using a mouse macro to toggle which makes it AFK.

Most of the builds, including very expensive lightning strike builds, or less expensive minion builds, requires moving around after simu wave 25 in order to survive. This is because in general, in order to make a build to work in POE, a lot of passive points and gear needs to be focusing on offense. The more "good offensive layer" points and gear, the squishier it gets. For example, trapper has a lot of points to scale damage, and minion builds have less, so in general, trappers are easier to be killed. And in simu, most of the time you don't have enough room to maneuver, and mobs are easily doing 500% of their base damage, so simu builds tend to be tanky.

Cremation has much fewer ways to scale damage. Most of fire / elemental passive nodes are not granting a significantly amount of damage, so we just take a handful of them. And we don't need to sacrifice a lot of states to scale damage from gear, so that you can build immunity to a lot of mechanisms including crits, hex, chaos and poison, elemental aliment etc. to care about fewer mods, with very high regen from necromancer's passives (unlike RF which requires a combination of historical jewel and gear). So you can stand in 600%-800% more base damage mobs and spam 2 buttons to survive, without moving to dodge at all, even at wave 30. But on the other hand, you do need to move if mobs are doing 1000% more base damage. This is because physical and elemental reduction in this game is capped at 90%, and there will be mods like "overwhelming 15% physical damage" and "10+10% elemental penetration" in simu, which does enough damage to one shot you of you have unlucky block streak.

superarts commented 2 years ago

Sold cremation 7.0 for 100 ex.

superarts commented 1 year ago

A couple of weeks ago, I flipped mageblood from 80ex, started from 2 flasks MB and ended with 4 flasks, sold at 170ex. I've been afk since then and played gauntlet this weekend, explosive arrow champion died at lv 49 to kitava's wipe attack and detonate dead witch died at lv 19 to the spider boss at act 2. I'm done with this league and I'm not going to sell my last cremation anymore, pretty much pointless at this point. Looking forward to next league.

superarts commented 1 year ago

Patch Notes - Content Update 3.19.0 -- Path of Exile_ Lake of Kalandra - Forum - Path of Exile.pdf