superckl / BiomeTweaker

Used to tweak various properties of biomes
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Constant "Biome ID does not correspond to a biome" errors #244

Closed LighttronPrime closed 4 years ago

LighttronPrime commented 4 years ago

I just spent about eight hours fully rewriting mob spawning from scratch for my upcoming modpack. When I opened a world, none of the changes had applied whatsoever. I tried several attempts at diagnosing the problem, before eventually finding a huge number of errors in the log stating

[20:17:21] [Client thread/INFO]: Error applying tweaks. Biome ID 138 does not correspond to a biome! Check the output files for the correct ID!

There are over 100 similar errors. These errors cannot be correct, I'm using Biomes O' Plenty, and have confirmed that there are no biome ID conflicts with AntiIDConflict. I'm using Climate Control to cause Biomes O' Plenty biomes to generate in the default world type, based off of climate control's world generation, which could be the source of the problem. I'm attach my biometweaker script as well as the relevant log to help diagnose this issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

`Desert = forBiomes(2, 130, 150, 58, 17) HotPlains = forBiomes(35, 36, 163, 164, 73, 193, 146, 190) Mesa = forBiomes(37, 38, 39, 165, 166, 167, 208) Jungle = forBiomes(21, 22, 188, 64, 199, 252, 171, 172) Swamp = forBiomes(6, 109, 134, 153, 203, 205, 206, 251) Plains = forBiomes(1, 48, 129, 215, 201, 202, 217) Forest = forBiomes(4, 18, 27, 28, 132, 152, 155, 156, 174, 187, 195, 216, 227, 213) Ocean = forBiomes(0, 212, 24, 71) Mountain = forBiomes(3, 214, 34, 131, 162, 199) ColdForest = forBiomes(5, 19, 32, 33, 41, 40, 60, 66, 133, 144, 204, 145, 160) SnowyForest = forBiomes(30, 31, 47, 148, 158) SnowyMountain = forBiomes(13, 254, 255) Mushroom = forBiomes(14, 15) SnowyPlains = forBiomes(12, 140, 253) Dead = forBiomes(49, 238, 250, 236, 170, 173, 175) MagicForest = forBiomes(29, 61, 62, 97, 157, 198, 243) Origin = forBiomes(194) Ender = forBiomes(110) Rainbow = forBiomes(114) Tainted = forBiomes(98) Beach = forBiomes(16, 25, 26) River = forBiomes(7, 11) Luminous = forBiomes(112, 113) Crag = forBiomes(239) Sacred = forBiomes(186) MagicPlains = forBiomes(219, 209) Evil = forBiomes(142, 196, 147, 159)

OverworldBiomes = forBiomes(Desert, HotPlains, Mesa, Jungle, Swamp, Plains, Forest, Ocean, Mountain, ColdForest, SnowyForest, SnowyMountain, SnowyPlains, Dead, MagicForest, Ender, Rainbow, Beach, River, Luminous, Crag, Sacred, MagicPlains, Evil) Butter = forBiomes(HotPlains, Jungle, Swamp, Plains, Forest, Mountain, ColdForest, MagicForest, Ender, Rainbow, Beach, Luminous, Sacred, MagicPlains) SkelWar = forBiomes(Desert, HotPlains, Mesa, Dead) Trx = forBiomes(Desert, Mesa, SnowyPlains, Dead) Conc = forBiomes(Desert, Jungle, Swamp, Forest, ColdForest, SnowyPlains, Dead, Ender) Sup = forBiomes(Desert, HotPlains, Forest, Mountain, ColdForest, SnowyMountain, SnowyPlains, Sacred) Fest = forBiomes(Desert, Mesa, Plains, Forest, ColdForest, SnowyMountain, SnowyForest, SnowyPlains, Sacred) Roc = forBiomes(Mesa, Jungle, Plains, Forest, Mountain, ColdForest, SnowyForest, SnowyMountain, SnowyPlains) Plain = forBiomes(Plains, HotPlains, MagicPlains) Arm = forBiomes(Hot, Plain, Rainbow)//error Bas = forBiomes(Mesa, Mountain, Dead, Luminous, Crag) Har = forBiomes(Mesa, Plains, MagicPlains) Earth = forBiomes(Mesa, Jungle, Mountain, SnowyMountain, Dead, Luminous, Crag) Cou = forBiomes(Mesa, Mountain, Crag) Jun = forBiomes(Jungle, Sacred) Wet = forBiomes(Jungle, Swamp, River, Beach, Sacred) Gross = forBiomes(Swamp, Dead) Dee = forBiomes(Forest, MagicForest, Ender, Rainbow) Goo = forBiomes(Swamp, Beach, River) For = forBiomes(Forest, Ender) AllFor = forBiomes(Forest, ColdForest, SnowyForest, MagicForest) Miny = forBiomes(AllFor, Ender) Dire = forBiomes(Forest, ColdForest, Mountain, SnowyMountain, Rainbow) Wit = forBiomes(MagicForest, Evil, Swamp) Water = forBiomes(Ocean, Beach, River) Mount = forBiomes(Mountain, SnowyMountain, Luminous, Crag) Mou = forBiomes(Mountain, Luminous, Crag) Snowy = forBiomes(SnowyForest, SnowyMountain, SnowyPlains) Mage = forBiomes(Evil, MagicForest) Dark = forBiomes(Mage, Dead) Ars = forBiomes(MagicForest, MagicPlains, Crag, Sacred, Luminous, Evil) Dry = forBiomes(MagicForest, Luminous, Ender, Rainbow) Pix = forBiomes(Dry, Crag) Pech = forBiomes(Mage, Sacred, Crag, Luminous) Rose = forBiomes(Sacred, MagicPlains, Rainbow) Bird = forBiomes(Sacred, Crag, Luminous, Jungle, MagicPlains)

Desert.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) Desert.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 1, 1, 1) Desert.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Jungle.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Desert.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) HotPlains.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) SkelWar.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Trx.addSpawn("lcrdrfs.entities.EntityRoboDino", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 3) Conc.addSpawn("crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityConcussionCreeper", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Sup.addSpawn("", "MONSTER" 5, 1, 4)//error Fest.addSpawn("", "MONSTER" 5, 1, 4)//error Desert.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.hyena.EntityHyena", "CREATURE", 5, 1, 5)

HotPlains.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.hyena.EntityHyena", "CREATURE", 5, 1, 5) Plain.addSpawn("crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityFallenMount", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 4) Plain.addSpawn("crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityFallenKnight", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Plain.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 1, 1, 1) Plain.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) Plain.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Plain.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Plain.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.bison.EntityBison", "CREATURE", 5, 2, 6) Arm.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.armadillo.EntityArmadillo", "CREATURE", 5, 1, 4) HotPlains.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.cheetah.EntityCheetah", "CREATURE", 3, 1, 1)

Bas.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Har.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Roc.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Earth.addSpawn("am2.entities.EntityEarthElemental", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Cou.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.cougar.EntityCougar", "CREATURE", 3, 1, 1)

Jun.addSpawn("biomesoplenty.common.entities.EntityJungleSpider", "MONSTER", 7, 1, 6) Jun.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Jun.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) Jun.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) Jun.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Wet.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.dragonfly.EntityDragonfly", "AMBIENT", 10, 1, 4)//error Jun.addSpawn("net.daveyx0.primitivemobs.entity.passive.EntityChameleon", "CREATURE", 5, 1, 3)

Gross.addSpawn("biomesoplenty.common.entities.EntityGlob", "MONSTER", 6, 1, 4) Swamp.addSpawn("", "CREATURE", 5, 1, 1) Swamp.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) Swamp.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Swamp.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Swamp.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2)

Dee.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.deer.EntityDeer", "CREATURE", 5, 1, 4) Goo.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.goose.EntityGoose", "CREATURE", 4, 1, 8) For.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) For.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) For.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) For.addSpawn("gaia.entity.passive.EntityGaiaPropFlowerCyan", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) AllFor.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Miny.addSpawn("crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityEnderminy", "CREATURE", 3, 1, 1) Dire.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.direwolf.EntityDireWolf", "CREATURE", 3, 1, 1) Wit.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 3) Dire.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.ocelot.EntityWMOcelot", "CREATURE", 3, 1, 1)

Ocean.addSpawn("", "WATER_CREATURE", 3, 1, 2) Water.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) Water.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) Water.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Water.addSpawn("am2.entities.EntityWaterElemental", "WATER_CREATURE", 5, 1, 4) Ocean.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.jellyfish.EntityJellyfish", "WATER_CREATURE" 5, 1, 4)//error Ocean.addSpawn("com.tmtravlr.jaff.entities.EntityFishPufferfish", "WATER_CREATURE", 2, 1, 3) Ocean.addSpawn("com.tmtravlr.jaff.entities.EntityFishClownfish", "WATER_CREATURE", 2, 1, 3) Water.addSpawn("com.tmtravlr.jaff.entities.EntityFishSalmon", "WATER_CREATURE", 8, 1, 4) Water.addSpawn("com.tmtravlr.jaff.entities.EntityFishCod", "WATER_CREATURE", 10, 1, 4)

Mount.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Mou.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 1, 1, 1) Mou.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Mou.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Mou.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) Mount.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.goat.EntityGoat", "CREATURE", 5, 1, 4)

ColdForest.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) ColdForest.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) ColdForest.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) ColdForest.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4)

Snowy.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) SnowyForest.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 1, 1, 1) SnowyForest.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) Snowy.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Snowy.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Snowy.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2)

Mage.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) Dark.addSpawn("crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityWitherWitch", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 2) Dark.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 7, 1, 4) Ars.addSpawn("am2.entities.EntityManaCreeper", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Ars.addSpawn("am2.entities.EntityManaElemental", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Mage.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) Dark.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 3, 1, 2) Dry.addSpawn("am2.entities.EntityDryad", "CREATURE", 3, 1, 4) Pix.addSpawn("biomesoplenty.common.entities.EntityPixie", "AMBIENT", 3, 1, 4)//error Pix.addSpawn("am2.entities.EntityLightMage", "CREATURE", 1, 1, 1) Pech.addSpawn("", "CREATURE", 1, 1, 1) Evil.addSpawn("am2.entities.EntityHecate", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Dead.addSpawn("am2.entities.EntityHecate", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4)

Beach.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 10, 1, 4) Rose.addSpawn("biomesoplenty.common.entities.EntityRosester", "CREATURE", 5, 1, 4) Ender.addSpawn("chylex.hee.entity.mob.EntityMobEnderman", "MONSTER", 5, 1, 4) Ender.addSpawn("", "MONSTER", 4, 1, 4) Ender.addSpawn("thehippomaster.MutantCreatures.MutantEnderman", MONSTER", 2, 1, 1) Butter.addSpawn("com.wildmobsmod.entity.passive.butterfly.EntityButterfly", "AMBIENT", 5, 1, 4) Butter.addSpawn("twilightforest.entity.passive.EntityTFTinyBird", "AMBIENT", 5, 1, 5)//error Bird.addSpawn("biomesoplenty.common.entities.EntityBird", "AMBIENT", 5, 1, 4)//error OverworldBiomes.addSpawn("thehippomaster.MutantCreatures.MutantCreeper", "MONSTER", 1, 1, 1) OverworldBiomes.addSpawn("thehippomaster.MutantCreatures.MutantZombie", "MONSTER", 1, 1, 1) OverworldBiomes.addSpawn("thehippomaster.MutantCreatures.MutantEnderman", "MONSTER", 1, 1, 1) OverworldBiomes.addSpawn("thehippomaster.MutantCreatures.MutantSkeleton", "MONSTER", 1, 1, 1)`


superckl commented 4 years ago

Have you confirmed the biomes actually correspond to the IDs you are using? Verify this by looking in the Biometweaker output files