superctr / MDSDRV

Sound driver for Sega Mega Drive
zlib License
63 stars 4 forks source link

Template ROM #15

Open superctr opened 4 years ago

superctr commented 4 years ago

Build a template ROM that can be used by tools to generate a test ROM without needing an assembler to build the sound driver and tester program.

To generate a test ROM, take the template ROM, append a pointer table followed by the mdsbin and mdsseq files.

example pointer table format:

long: "DATA" - magic bytes to determine that a valid table has been appended
long: pointer to sequence data
long: pointer to PCM data
word: song # to auto-play (0 to disable)
word: song count
long: pointer to song 1 title....
long: song 1 length?
long: pointer to song 2 title....
long: song 2 length...