Open saschaeggi opened 2 years ago
Hi @saschaeggi ! Yep, it's gone now.
Thanks for reporting the issue. It's good to know that this utility actually has users. Without telemetry I wasn't really sure. I've been working on a Python 3 version for some time and I guess it's time to start to prepare a release!
@supercurio super looking forward to it!
Would be glad to see the project maintained and updated to python3. :)
Same here but I have no clue about python...
Any update on this? 🙂
I'm not a Python expert (yet), but I managed to modify the code to work with Python3 on macOS Monterey 12.6.6. What Do you think?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
# Author: François Simond (supercurio)
# project:
# license: Apache 2 (see LICENSE)
# 2023-06-03: Updated to Python 3 and macOS Monterey and above?)
import signal
import sys
import time
from CoreFoundation import kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle
from Foundation import *
import Quartz
import objc
import struct
import json
from optparse import OptionParser
import os
version = "0.3"
color_sync_framework = '/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/' \
color_sync_bridge_string = """<?xml version='1.0'?>
<signatures version='1.0'>
<constant name='kColorSyncDeviceDefaultProfileID' type='^{__CFString=}'/>
<constant name='kColorSyncDisplayDeviceClass' type='^{__CFString=}'/>
<constant name='kColorSyncProfileUserScope' type='^{__CFString=}'/>
<function name='CGDisplayCreateUUIDFromDisplayID'>
<arg type='I'/>
<retval already_retained='true' type='^{__CFUUID=}'/>
<function name='ColorSyncDeviceCopyDeviceInfo'>
<arg type='^{__CFString=}'/>
<arg type='^{__CFUUID=}'/>
<retval already_retained='true' type='^{__CFDictionary=}'/>
<function name='ColorSyncDeviceSetCustomProfiles'>
<arg type='^{__CFString=}'/>
<arg type='^{__CFUUID=}'/>
<arg type='^{__CFDictionary=}'/>
<retval type='B'/>
objc.parseBridgeSupport(color_sync_bridge_string, globals(),
def get_device_info():
online_display_list_result = Quartz.CGGetOnlineDisplayList(32, None, None)
error = online_display_list_result[0]
if error != Quartz.kCGErrorSuccess:
raise Exception('Failed to get online displays from Quartz')
display_id = online_display_list_result[1][0]
device_info = ColorSyncDeviceCopyDeviceInfo(kColorSyncDisplayDeviceClass,
if not device_info:
raise Exception('KVM connection on bot is broken, please file a bug')
return device_info
def get_device_id():
return get_device_info()['DeviceID']
def get_factory_profile_path():
device_info = get_device_info()
factory_profile_url = device_info['FactoryProfiles']['1']['DeviceProfileURL']
return Foundation.CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(factory_profile_url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle)
def get_custom_profile_path():
device_info = get_device_info()
custom_profiles = device_info.get('CustomProfiles')
if custom_profiles:
factory_profile_url = custom_profiles['1']
return Foundation.CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(factory_profile_url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle)
return None
def set_display_custom_profile(profile_path):
if profile_path is None:
profile_url = Foundation.kCFNull
profile_url = Foundation.CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(None, profile_path.encode('utf-8'),
len(profile_path), False)
profile_info = {
kColorSyncDeviceDefaultProfileID: profile_url,
kColorSyncProfileUserScope: Foundation.kCFPreferencesCurrentUser
device_id = get_device_id()
result = ColorSyncDeviceSetCustomProfiles(kColorSyncDisplayDeviceClass, device_id, profile_info)
if not result:
raise Exception('Failed to set display custom profile')
def modify_profile(factory_profile, config, out_file):
f = open(factory_profile, 'rb')
profile_data =
# find the offset
tag = b'vcgt' # Convert tag to bytes
tag_offset = profile_data.find(tag, profile_data.find(tag) + 4)
# parse the table
vcgt_data_fmt = '>9i'
vcgt_data_offset = tag_offset + 12
vcgt_struct = struct.Struct(vcgt_data_fmt)
(red_gamma, red_min, red_max,
green_gamma, green_min, green_max,
blue_gamma, blue_min, blue_max) = vcgt_struct.unpack_from(profile_data, vcgt_data_offset)
maximum = config['maximum']
red_max = round(red_max * maximum['red'])
green_max = round(green_max * maximum['green'])
blue_max = round(blue_max * maximum['blue'])
gamma = config['gamma']
red_gamma = round(red_gamma * gamma['red'])
green_gamma = round(green_gamma * gamma['green'])
blue_gamma = round(blue_gamma * gamma['blue'])
buff = bytearray(profile_data)
if config['reorder_channels']:
vcgt_struct.pack_into(buff, vcgt_data_offset,
green_gamma, green_min, green_max,
blue_gamma, blue_min, blue_max,
red_gamma, red_min, red_max)
vcgt_struct.pack_into(buff, vcgt_data_offset,
red_gamma, red_min, red_max,
green_gamma, green_min, green_max,
blue_gamma, blue_min, blue_max)
out = open(out_file, 'wb')
def read_config(config_file):
return json.load(open(config_file, 'r'))
def set_auto_apply(status):
plist_file = os.path.expanduser('~') + "/Library/LaunchAgents/xdr-tuner-auto-apply.plist"
if status:
os.system("plutil -create xml1 " + plist_file)
os.system("plutil -insert \"Label\" -string \"XDR Tuner\" " + plist_file)
os.system("plutil -insert \"ProgramArguments\" -array " + plist_file)
os.system("plutil -insert \"ProgramArguments.0\" -string \"{}\" ".format(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ plist_file)
os.system("plutil -insert \"ProgramArguments.1\" -string \"-r\" " + plist_file)
os.system("plutil -insert \"RunAtLoad\" -bool YES " + plist_file)
except OSError:
print("No auto-apply to remove")
def signal_handler(sig, frame):
print('Stopped the tuning loop.')
def main():
print("Liquid Retina XDR display tuner v{}\n".format(version),
" by François Simond (supercurio)\n",
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-o", "--out", dest="out_file", default=script_path + "/profiles/tuned.icc",
help="output ICC file")
parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config_file", default=script_path + "/configs/default.json",
help="read config from a custom JSON file")
parser.add_option("-l", "--loop", dest="loop", action="store_true", default=False,
help="apply the config in a loop until interrupted")
parser.add_option("-f", "--factory", dest="factory", action="store_true", default=False,
help="reset to factory profile")
parser.add_option("-a", "--apply", dest="apply_icc", default="", help="apply ICC profile")
parser.add_option("-r", "--re-apply", dest="re_apply", action="store_true", default=False,
help="re-apply last custom profile set")
parser.add_option("-t", "--auto-apply", dest="auto_apply", action="store_true", default=False,
help="enable auto load of custom profile at start")
parser.add_option("-u", "--remove-auto-apply", dest="remove_auto_apply", action="store_true", default=False,
help="disable auto load of custom profile at start")
(options, _) = parser.parse_args()
if options.apply_icc:
print("Apply existing profile: " + options.apply_icc)
if options.factory:
print("Reset to factory profile")
if options.re_apply:
current_custom_profile = get_custom_profile_path()
if current_custom_profile:
print("Reapply custom profile: " + current_custom_profile)
print("No custom profile set to re-apply")
if options.auto_apply:
print("Enable loading of custom profile at start")
if options.remove_auto_apply:
print("Disable loading of custom profile at start")
out_file = options.out_file
factory_profile = get_factory_profile_path()
print("Factory ICC profile:\n " + factory_profile)
print("Output ICC profile:\n " + out_file)
if options.loop:
print("\nReloading " + options.config_file + " in a loop:")
while True:
config = read_config(options.config_file)
modify_profile(factory_profile, config, out_file)
if not options.loop:
print('.', end='')
time.sleep(1 / 4.0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@GHubbler that works like a charm, thank you! 👏 cc @supercurio
First of all thank you so much for this helpful tool!
As Apple has removed phyton 2.7 from Monterey 12.3 (see this project needs to be updated.