superdavex / Sony-XAV-AX100

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support for parking sensors #22

Open gregd72002 opened 5 years ago

gregd72002 commented 5 years ago

Is this something that would be possible at all?

To explain: Some units (like Alpine) has functionality: visual representation of the parking sensors They have a CAN to UART converter for that.

arusa commented 5 years ago

That's an interesting idea. Someone would have to add this feature in the UI, create an intelligent adapter from CAN to USB and manage to get the necessary data via USB to the UI? Sounds quite complicated. But very interesting that Alpine has developed a solution for that.

gregd72002 commented 5 years ago

CAN to USB/UART should not be difficult. There are also readily available converters. I would feel comfortable taking this part on. But cannot say the same about UI...