supereagle / experiences

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Performance comparation between Docker v1.13 and v1.10.3 #10

Closed supereagle closed 7 years ago

supereagle commented 7 years ago


Variables Metrics V1.10.3(Baseline) V1.13
Container number Latency 100% 25%
CPU 100% 105%
Operation intervals Inspect latency 100% 80%
List alive latency 100% 50%
List all latency 100% 30%
CPU 100% 500%
Goroutine number Inspect latency 100% 50%
List all latency 100% 10%
CPU 100% 300%


Environment Physical Machine: 8CPUs, 32GB memory OS: CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) Storage Driver: Device Mapper

Benchmark Docker Micro Benchmark: Docker performance benchmark from Google, used by Kubernetes to test the performance of its depended Docker.

1. Benchmark list/inspect with varying number of containers

Using -c

2. Benchmark list/inspect with varying operation intervals

Using -i

3. Benchmark list/inspect with varying number of goroutines

Using -r