Open exos opened 9 years ago
Hi, I'm developing an application with cordova for android and I'm using this library for local persistence with backbone, but I have an error when I do a fetch with condition (equal).
Mi collection:
var Products = Backbone.Collection.extend({ database: db, storeName: 'Products', model: Product, ready: false, comparator: 'addDate', byKid: function (kid, options, cb) { var self = this; if (typeof options === 'function') { cb = options; options = undefined; } if (typeof kid === 'object') { kid = kid.get('kid'); } this.fetch({ conditions: { kid: kid }, success: function () { self.ready = true; self.trigger('ready'); cb(null); }, error: function (m, e) { self.trigger('error', e); cb(e); } }); }, // ...
This execute the errback with a String (not Error object), saying: "No Cursor".
Hi, I'm developing an application with cordova for android and I'm using this library for local persistence with backbone, but I have an error when I do a fetch with condition (equal).
Mi collection:
This execute the errback with a String (not Error object), saying: "No Cursor".