The Existential NFT contract needs some changes in order to be able to support an NFT image composed of an user uploaded image, and a generated one through the NFT API.
when calling getTokenURI(): take the url above and concatenate with:
{url} ++ &symbol={nftSymbol}&token={superTokenAddress}&sender={sender}&recipient={recipient}&flowrate={flowrate}&clone={enftCloneAddress}
The Existential NFT contract needs some changes in order to be able to support an NFT image composed of an user uploaded image, and a generated one through the NFT API.
deploy with the following url=`{productName}&description={productDescription}&chain={chainId}&ipfs={ipfs hash of the user uploaded image}
when calling getTokenURI(): take the url above and concatenate with: {url} ++ &symbol={nftSymbol}&token={superTokenAddress}&sender={sender}&recipient={recipient}&flowrate={flowrate}&clone={enftCloneAddress}