superfluke / enderoni

MIT License
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Some minor fixes for the first release #1

Open Alphanos opened 5 years ago

Alphanos commented 5 years ago

Firstly, let me please say that I love this new mod! Modded Minecraft is in great need of excellent mods like this to spice up the End. Thank you!

Several minor issues I noticed so far, in order of severity:

1) Currently, both of the new biomes are set as PLAINS for their Biome Dictionary types. This confuses some other mods that determine their behaviour based on the Biome Dictionary. For example, Ender IO Zoo prevents some of its overworld mobs from spawning in any biome with the END tag. Since these new biomes don't currently have that tag, you can end up with zombies, skeletons, and creepers spawning in the End in these new biomes.

Suggestions for Biome Dictionary tags, though modify as you see fit of course: Stygian Growth: END, HOT, WET, FOREST Acidic Plains: END, COLD, DRY, HILLS

There are various other Biome Dictionary tags that caught my eye as possibly appropriate, like SPOOKY, DEAD, MAGICAL, WASTELAND, LUSH, SAVANNA. But I'm not sure what effect those have, if any.

2) The Acidic Plains biome currently spawns drastically less often than the Stygian Growth. I tried flying tens of thousands of blocks and saw dozens of Stygian Growth biomes, but I could only find an Acidic Plains by using a Nature's Compass. Since visual variety of the End is a large part of the purpose of this mod, it would be great if the Acidic Plains frequency could be bumped up a little, even if you want it to remain less common than Stygian Growth.

3) The name of the Acidic Plains still references what looks like an in-development name, End Volcano, in several places. For example, using a Nature's Compass, you have to find the biome listed as End Volcano, or seeing the Biome name from the Journeymap HUD.

Thanks again!

Alphanos commented 5 years ago

Follow-up with another minor issue I noticed. Not sure if this doesn't occur on default settings, or is just less noticeable. I tried increasing the biome size in the config from 4 to 6, and I noticed some of these straight-line biome borders like in this screenshot.

2018-10-15_09 13 11

I'll try the normal biome size again to see if it goes away. But I thought it might be worth posting to see if there is a way to blend the biome borders to produce a fuzzier edge.

superfluke commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the helpful feedback, I'll look into these.