superfluke / undiscovered

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Redstone ore overworld generation disabled? #6

Closed Ozzymud closed 6 years ago

Ozzymud commented 6 years ago

Don't know if it's intentional but in 00_minecraft.json it seems as dimension 0 is on a blacklist for"redstone_otherdim" (line 223) even though the section above it allows redstone in dimension 0 (line 202).

superfluke commented 6 years ago

Yes this is intended. Line 202 allows for very rare generation of redstone ore in the overworld. Line 223 blocks normal redstone generation in the nether, overworld, and end but allows for normal generation in other dimensions (such as the beneath or rftools).

Ozzymud commented 6 years ago

I have 4 stacks of diamonds from manual mining(no fortune), a lot of destabilized clathrate, but not a single piece of redstone ore... seems either too rare or non-existant.

superfluke commented 6 years ago

Redstone ore is very, very rare. You can process your clathrate into redstone, create redstone with a blood infuser and dull dust, or processing the scrapped electronics found in lost cities.

Ozzymud commented 6 years ago

Fair enough, so no "scavenge for iron" like every other pack... instead scavenge for redstone.

Edit(for others that come along): Strip mine at Y:6(feet), the redstone ore seems to congregate down there, 1000s of blocks mined at y:12 and nothing. Use silk on the 1st ones you find and make IE Garden Cloches to grow the redstone seeds found from punching grass, redstone issue solved.