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Server Lag Spike #68

Closed BurntTNTFreak closed 6 years ago

BurntTNTFreak commented 6 years ago

Hey don't use github much so idk if I'm doing this right.

So trying to play the modpack, which worked fine when I first downloaded it. After the last few updates me and some friends have been getting frequent lag spikes. I know it isn't anything to do with our PCs because they are all new. I have also added more RAM to mine and my friends profiles and this hasn't seemed to make a difference. So I'm not sure if this is a bug or just our PCs. Any help is appreciated. If you need our PC specs let me know.

Thanks, Burnt

superfluke commented 6 years ago

No problem, I'll see if I can offer some help. First off, is the server running on one of your computers or is the server rented/hosted somewhere else? Second, try running this command for me /profile e and either screen shot or copy/paste the output here.

BurntTNTFreak commented 6 years ago


Yeah its just a LAN from my PC. But the lag keeps say waiting for server to respond. I have tested it and it also happens even when I'm no open to LAN so.

Here's what I got from that command. Sorry its a bit jumbled cos I copied it from the log file.

[20:19:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] Running EntityProfiler for 30 seconds [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] TPS: 20.084602 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §2Single Entity §8§r §e|§r §2Time/Tick §e|§r §2% [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] TileEntityMobSpawner {-36,71,773}:0 §e|§r 0.181 §8§l§r §e|§r 2.066 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] passive.EntityChicken -93,69,918:0 §8§r §e|§r 0.132 §8§l§r §e|§r 1.506 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] TileEntityMobSpawner {-44,71,778}:0 §e|§r 0.074 §8§l§r §e|§r 0.843 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] passive.EntityChicken -68,72,198:0 §8§r §e|§r 0.071 §8§l§r §e|§r 0.809 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] TileEntityMobSpawner {-28,65,778}:0 §e|§r 0.047 §8§l§r §e|§r 0.532 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §2Chunk §8§l §r §e|§r §2Time/Tick §e|§r §2%
[20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 0: -3, 48 §e|§r 0.257 §8§l§r §e|§r 2.934 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 0: -6, 57 §e|§r 0.205 §8§l§r §e|§r 2.346 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 0: 11, 59 §e|§r 0.118 §8§l§r §e|§r 1.353 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 0: 10, 41 §e|§r 0.116 §8§l§r §e|§r 1.327 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] 0: -6, 60 §e|§r 0.112 §8§l§r §e|§r 1.280 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §2All Entities of Type §8§r §e|§r §2Time/Tick §e|§r §2% §8§r [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] passive.EntityChicken §e|§r 3.033 §8§l§r §e|§r 34.676 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] passive.EntitySheep §8§l§r §e|§r 2.117 §8§l§r §e|§r 24.211 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] item.EntityItem §8§l §r §e|§r 1.015 §8§l§r §e|§r 11.605 [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] passive.EntityPig §8§l§r §e|§r 0.599 §8§l§r §e|§r 6.848 §8§r [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] tiles.TileHive §8§l §r §e|§r 0.480 §8§l§r §e|§r 5.490 §8§r [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §2Average Entity of Type §e|§r §2Time/tick §e|§r §2Calls §8§r [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] PoisonousLibelle §8§l§r §e|§r 1.333 §8§l §r §e|§r 1
[20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] TileEntityEnergyCube §e|§r 0.028 §8§l §r §e|§r 605
[20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] passive.EntityHorse §8§l§r §e|§r 0.024 §8§l §r §e|§r 2420 §8§r [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] passive.EntitySquid §8§l§r §e|§r 0.020 §8§l §r §e|§r 4110 §8§r [20:19:52] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] passive.EntityBat §8§l §r §e|§r 0.016 §8§l §r §e|§r 10862

Also whilst in the world just now the day and night cycle was just going crazy. My characters arms were flying about like crazy and mobs were going nuts. I have captured it if you want the video. I can post that to YouTube or something. Or can email you it if that's easier.

Thanks for you help.

superfluke commented 6 years ago

Wow that is nearly impossible to read, but it looks like it's at 20 tps over 30 seconds, so the issue is something other than just laggy machines. I can't even imagine what's causing the day/night cycle weirdness. The arm spam thing I have seen before with the betterFPS fast sin algorithm. I would try removing betterFPS and see if these issues are connected. Also, are you using anything like sponge on the server?

BurntTNTFreak commented 6 years ago

Yeah sorry about that. Right I'll try that at some point and get back to you. Don't know when i'll get a chance to because of work but will let you know how it goes. When you say sponge do you mean a plugin or actual sponge haha? Thanks alot mate.

superfluke commented 6 years ago

Sponge/bukkit are used by servers to implement plugins for things like protection, shops, mod commands. If you're not sure what all that is, then you probably don't have it. Just asking because sometimes sponge can cause weird bugs to pop up.

BurntTNTFreak commented 6 years ago

Oh yeah I know what you mean. Yeah it's not that kind of server. It's just my single player world opened to LAN. SO no plugins or nothing. Yeah haven't made servers in a while so am out of the loop haha. Yeah I've heard that. I'll try what you said before and see if that helps.

BurntTNTFreak commented 6 years ago

Hey superfluke. I've removed the BetterFPS mod from the mod pack and this seems to have fixed my lag spikes. Haven't seen my friends in a while so I don't know if this will fix it for them. Thanks a lot for your help! Last person I asked for help for on here was quite unfriendly so thanks for all the help XD.

Will let you know if the problem comes back. Thanks alot, Burnt.