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When searching inventory via double clicking search bar for nei #77

Open jls1638 opened 6 years ago

jls1638 commented 6 years ago

When you are in an inventory like a crate or just your inventory and you have the nei item list on the right there is a search bar at the bottom to pull up certain recipes. Normally when you double click this search bar it will turn yellow and only highlight things with that name that you have typed, I have found that it is highlighting every box has an item in it rather than only what is there with the letters that you typed. This is in single player and in Lan servers. Not sure if it is a known issue but wanted to notate issue.

superfluke commented 6 years ago

This seems to be working for me, unless I'm not understanding the issue. image

jls1638 commented 6 years ago

Not sure then, cause some times it works but was trying to search for spider eyes and when you search spider it highlighted everything may have just been my system not sure. Happened with others but don't remember what I was searching

superfluke commented 6 years ago

Ahh, ok. I'm getting the same bug as well when I try searching for spider. Passed it along to the more overlay issue tracker, not much else I can do.

jls1638 commented 6 years ago

All's good, it is not a major issue but wanted to share things I found. So far it's a really cool pack I haven't gotten very far yet but figured I would see if it was a known issue.