superfly / flyctl-actions

:octocat: GitHub Action that wraps the flyctl
Apache License 2.0
260 stars 33 forks source link

Allow using `fly` instead of only `flyctl` #44

Open einarpersson opened 1 year ago

einarpersson commented 1 year ago


I just had a problem where I got fly: command not found. When I changed to flyctl it started working.

In your official documentation you use fly instead of flyctl quite a lot. I would therefore recommend that using fly would also be OK in workflows using this action. I think it should be consistent with the normal installation (which adds the symlink fly->flyctl).

CanRau commented 1 year ago

same just happened to, was confusing as I thought the CLI is moving more towards fly instead of flyctl so stopped using the latter completely 🥲

Igloczek commented 11 months ago

For those who don't want to wait, or just prefer full CLI access, drop it in your workflow config instead of official action, and you are good to go.

      - name: Install Fly CLI
        run: |
          curl -L | sh
          echo "/home/runner/.fly/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH

If you are not using runs-on: ubuntu-latest you most likely will need to update the directory that is added to PATH, based on what the setup script will print in logs.

roeniss commented 10 months ago

So here the issue...

Is there any specific reason for removing fly? 👀

rockse commented 9 months ago

Any update on when this will be updated?