superfly / litefs

FUSE-based file system for replicating SQLite databases across a cluster of machines
Apache License 2.0
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Proxy forwarding requests before app ready to handle them #347

Closed pawelblaszczyk5 closed 1 year ago

pawelblaszczyk5 commented 1 year ago

Important note at the beginning - I'm not sure whether it's a real issue or me trying to do something dumb šŸ˜… Also sorry in advance if it's not an issue, normally I'd create a discussion but it seems like this feature is disabled in this repo.

I've tried to setup LiteFS on with a few regions replication. I've wanted to utilize the auto-stopping machines part of to reduce the costs of my website running in a lot of regions. Without the proxy that comes with LiteFS it seems like on "cold start" waits until my app can handle a request. With proxy however, for a few first seconds I have connection error instead.

Should I not auto-stop machines with this solution? Or I'm missing some option/way to fix this. I've tried to dive into source code but it seems like the last exec command from config is just invoked asynchronously and proxy starts.

Here is my repo at the latest commit with LiteFS setup in case it helps -

It's a Next.js app, in a Dockerfile I've mostly changed only stuff related to LiteFS, except of adding a swap file setup and DB migrations to LiteFS config, which you can find under other directory.

pawelblaszczyk5 commented 1 year ago

Okay, I've just got an aha moment šŸ˜„ It can't work the way that I'm imagining. I shouldn't use auto stopping with replaction, because there wouldn't be a place to repliacte the data. I've got a wrong idea of the concept šŸ˜…

If anyone could just confirm that I came to the right conclusion I'd gladly close this issue

benbjohnson commented 1 year ago

@pawelblaszczyk5 Good question. Auto-stop is tricky with LiteFS for a couple reasons. First, as you mentioned, the primary won't have a place to replicate to if only the primary is running. That's a durability issue. You could always run 2 candidate nodes and that would give the primary somewhere to replicate to.

Second, LiteFS needs to sync up on startup and that can take some time depending on the size of the database and the number of changes since shutdown. The proxy needs to be more intelligent about queuing requests until a node is marked as ready but that hasn't been added yet.

As of now, I wouldn't suggest using auto-stop with LiteFS. It's something we want to get to but it's not something that works well right now.

pawelblaszczyk5 commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for your time!