supergeorg / Grocy-SwiftUI

A client for Grocy for macOS and iOS, written with SwiftUI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Consume by Barcode - Not Using Barcode Quantity #138

Closed dsizemore closed 1 year ago

dsizemore commented 1 year ago

There are two ways to define the "consume amount/quantity" when using the "consume" API endpoint from what I can tell. The first you appeared to fix in issue #50 so that the app correctly uses the product's quick_consume_amount. However, I have several products that we buy in different sizes. I have different barcodes for each package size, and the amount field for that barcode is defined so that when we purchase an item or consume and item by scanning that barcode the correct amount is added or removed from inventory.

In the demo server I added a barcode (123456789001) with an amount of "6" to demonstrate this:

When I scan that barcode in my Android App, the consume amount is set to that barcode's amount - 6 in this case. I suspect the Android app is querying the API to grab that data and updating the "consume" view with that amount if it is set.

Request: I think that if a barcode is scanned and it has an "amount" set to something different from the Grocy or product default, that barcode's amount should be used. It would likely require an extra GET to the API here: to get the amount, and then using that value if it is different than what is returned by the quick_consume_amount returned by

Thanks for your consideration, Georg!

supergeorg commented 1 year ago

Well, the data was there but it just was not used before. It should be now.

dsizemore commented 1 year ago

That worked perfectly. Thank you, Georg!