supermarin / ObjectiveSugar

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add nil protection for NSSet map method #71

Closed orta closed 10 years ago

orta commented 10 years ago

This has caused me two crashes in beta, figured it was time to get it fixed.

marcpalmer commented 10 years ago

Definitely don't compact. The nils in collections problem is a standard iOS idiom so stick with it IMO. Are there any existing collection methods in the SDK that do some kind of mutation and have to deal with this? There may be a precedent for crash vs. injecting NSNull.

I vote for being "platform consistent".

supermarin commented 10 years ago

So @mattt brought up a good point: it should keep the same behavior as if you called -valueForKeyPath:.

NSDictionary *person1 = @{ @"name": @"Marin" };
NSDictionary *person2 = @{ @"name": @"Luca" };
NSDictionary *person3 = @{ @"age": @12 };
NSDictionary *person4 = @{ @"name": @"John" };

NSArray *names = [@[person1, person2, person3, person4] valueForKeyPath:@"name"];
(lldb) po names
<__NSArrayI 0x8a4fb20>(

In this case, -valueForKeyPath: inserts [NSNull null] objects and doesn't blow up.

I'm mostly now biased for making this as a default behavior. Thinking of -map:withOptions, still not sure about it, since you'd be able to chain map and compact to get the clean array back.

[[oneToTen map:^id(NSNumber *numbah) {
    BOOL isEven = numbah.integerValue %2 == 0;
    return isEven ? numbah : nil;
}] compact];


[[oneToTen map:^id(NSNumber *numbah) {
    BOOL isEven = numbah.integerValue %2 == 0;
    return isEven ? numbah : nil;
}] withOptions:OSMapOptionsCollapseNil];


dblock commented 10 years ago

I find withOptions very hacky.

neilco commented 10 years ago

I agree that withOptions is hacky. Let's keep the behaviour consistent with the system APIs.

marcpalmer commented 10 years ago

Sounds sensible to me. Not withOptionsShmoptions.

orta commented 10 years ago

I'm happy to make the change, but in doing so I'll have to make changes to NSArray that are API breaking. This probably means switching the version to 2.x.x wrt SemVer.

orta commented 10 years ago

poke about the fact that this means a major version bump

supermarin commented 10 years ago

@orta @dblock yesterday I went to fix this. And, the story doesn't end here.

NSSet -valueForKeyPath: will ignore nils NSArray -valueForKeyPath: will put NSNulls

Seems like people don't see that as a positive thing, and they expect the APIs to behave the same. My current state of thought is that they should both ignore nils.

If you need counts for something, there's nothing useful in presenting a NSNull. If you call any method on it, it'll blow up.

orta commented 10 years ago

as someone put it on twitter, one has different expectations for sets vs arrays. I think the answer here is to allow set to have a nil, and array to use nsnulls.

orta commented 10 years ago

closing, as this is pretty much a hung PR.