Create a video which demonstrates the awesomeness of how SM + SMA makes learning so much faster and pleasurable.
Objectives for this video:
Short and concise
Start with some numbers that illustrate the superiority and engage the user to pursue watching (base arguments on #7 and provide link in video to support claims)
The three paradigms shifts of SM
Spaced repetition
Find a way to demonstrate concisely why SRS is so powerful
Explain what it entails in every day usage
Incremental reading
Find a way to demonstrate concisely why IR is so powerful
Demonstrates how it materializes
Extracting and re-arranging imported/existing text is much faster than typing everything (e.g. compare with Anki or regular note taking)
Web imports (wiki, news websites, etc.)
Books (pdf, epub, ...)
Change the theme and CSS (references color, etc.) to a more wider-public friendly one.
Create a video which demonstrates
the awesomeness ofhow SM + SMA makes learning so much faster and pleasurable.Objectives for this video:
Change the theme and CSS (references color, etc.) to a more wider-public friendly one.