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Edit the wiki to enable multiple languages #55

Open alexis- opened 4 years ago

alexis- commented 4 years ago "Multi-language Navbar" "Multi-Language Sidebar" "Fallback languages"

rajlego commented 4 years ago

Are we going to have all the articles on the site translated to Chinese? If so, should we make an epic for Chinese release finish?

rajlego commented 4 years ago

It seems like there are a couple of ways to do this depending on where we want to put the translations. Docsify site has translations which you can click on on the top right, if you look here you can see that they use a separate repo per language. From the index.html, this is how they're managing using seperate repo per language:


Alternatively, in the issue you mentioned, some people preferred just using separate folders. Which do you guys think would be easier to manage? I get the feeling separate repos would be easier since we'd need a separate set of people managing PRs/issues there (since none of us can read Chinese) but I have no prior experience to judge from.

alexis- commented 4 years ago

Are we going to have all the articles on the site translated to Chinese? If so, should we make an epic for Chinese release finish?

Ideally yes. That's a good idea.

It seems like there are a couple of ways to do this depending on where we want to put the translations. Docsify site has translations which you can click on on the top right, if you look here you can see that they use a separate repo per language. From the index.html, this is how they're managing using seperate repo per language:


Alternatively, in the issue you mentioned, some people preferred just using separate folders. Which do you guys think would be easier to manage? I get the feeling separate repos would be easier since we'd need a separate set of people managing PRs/issues there (since none of us can read Chinese) but I have no prior experience to judge from.

Both solutions have their merit, but on the long-term I agree that separate repositories would be cleaner.

If we go this way, I'll create a new organization called e.g. supermemo-doc. There are already enough repositories as it is.

When do you intend to get started with this ?

rajlego commented 4 years ago

Creating another organization seems reasonable but I'm wondering if that would cause issues with epics if we need to link both documentation + SMA issue to something. Other than that I'd be in favor.

I was working on docsify setup part of the contribution document but that's on hold if we're gonna be making a script to automate it. It looks like this requires HTML which I'm not an expert in but I can try to hack something together. If it's not too complicated I might be able to do it but there's a chance it could be too hard for me and I'd have to see if a dev can help me out.

candywal commented 4 years ago
