ErgonomicFugitiveToday at 12:15 AM
Is there a way to spread browser elements out to less than one per day? The learning -> spread tool bottoms out at 1 element per day but I want to do one every 3 days or so (they're book chapters). I'd rather not have to split the elements themselves to spread books out
Also, is there a way to set the date of the first repetition of the subset, so I can schedule the date at which I start reading the book from within supermemo?
This is very frequently asked question -> "how to IR book in sequence" etc. Maybe plugin which would hold atleast these functions:
Decide in which timespan you should be done with e.g. chapter 1
keep progress and give alerts when the chapter is due date
automatic scheduling by user given parameters (e.g. how many pages/day)
automatic bookmark splitting or alternatively user chosen markers where to split (for books that hold no bookmarks)
keep track of data when when the book was started etc.
prioritize books/chapters that are close to due date or by user given parameters (i.e. force the book to be shown in learning que so it wont drown)
How about some sort of 'generic scheduler' that could handle different types of ordered content like book chapters, book series, video playlists... etc.
This is very frequently asked question -> "how to IR book in sequence" etc. Maybe plugin which would hold atleast these functions: