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Add Security Disclaimer to README #261

Open shreyasmav opened 2 weeks ago

shreyasmav commented 2 weeks ago

Add Security Disclaimer to README


SuperMemory is a powerful tool for personal information management, but it's important to ensure users are aware of potential security considerations. I propose adding a comprehensive security disclaimer to the README file to address this.

Proposed Changes

Add a new "Security Disclaimer" section to the README, positioned after the "Key Features" section and before the "How do I use this?" section. The disclaimer should cover:


  1. Increases user awareness about security best practices
  2. Helps users make informed decisions about the information they store
  3. Encourages responsible use of the application and its features
  4. May help mitigate potential liability concerns by clearly communicating security expectations

Suggested Implementation

Here's a draft of the proposed security disclaimer:

## Security Disclaimer

While SuperMemory aims to provide a useful tool for organizing and accessing personal information, users should be aware of potential security considerations:

- Always use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication when available to protect your account.
- Be cautious about the types of sensitive information you store in any cloud-based service, including SuperMemory. Avoid storing highly confidential data like financial details or sensitive personal information.
- Regularly review and manage your stored data, removing any outdated or unnecessary information.
- Be aware that while the service aims to protect user privacy, no system is completely immune to potential security breaches or unauthorized access.
- When using browser extensions or integrations, ensure you download them from official sources and keep them updated.
- Exercise caution when granting permissions to extensions or connected services.
- Remember that AI-powered features may sometimes produce unexpected or inaccurate results. Always verify important information from original sources.

Users are encouraged to review SuperMemory's specific privacy policy and terms of service for detailed information on data handling and security practices.


This addition would enhance the project's transparency and demonstrate a commitment to user security. It doesn't change any functionality but provides valuable guidance to users.

Next Steps

If this proposal is accepted:

  1. I can create a pull request with the changes.
  2. The team can review and suggest any modifications to the disclaimer text.
  3. Once approved, the changes can be merged into the main README.

Related Issues or Discussions

[If there are any related issues or discussions, they would be referenced here]

I welcome any feedback or suggestions for improvements to this security disclaimer proposal. Thank you for considering this enhancement to SuperMemory's user guidance and security awareness.