supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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Nightly - No Sparse Layers & Sequential Output broken #2870

Open Durahl opened 2 years ago

Durahl commented 2 years ago

What happened?

I'm currently using the Nightly due to the improved Aligned Seam generation but for everything that is either Multi Material/Color or Sequential 3D Printing I have to go back to using an older Version as there seems to be something funny going on with the Z-Height...

On Multi Material/Color Prints it's already obvious while just looking at the generated Preview ( Ctrl+3 ) where the Layers of the Wipe Tower are floating in midair at a height where the purge would be happening without No Sparse Layer active ( this has always been the case with the final Purge? Move at the end of a Print ) but there also appears to be an issue with Sequential Printing where the following prints after the first one start at like 2-3 layers above the Print Bed obviously not sticking to the Bed.

Picture of the No Sparse Layer problem: IMG

On a somewhat possibly related question... The Version of this Bug Report lists as a possible Version - Where can one download that one? The I'm using was linked to me a while ago in a different thread but the highest I can actually find on the site under TAGS is 🤔

Project file & How to reproduce

  1. Create an Object on the Build Platform ( or import a model )
  2. Crate a Toolchange Modifier ( for MMU use setup Printer Profile possibly required? ) to a different color midway into the Print
  3. Under Print Settings > Multiple Extruders > Wipe Tower checkmark both:
    • Enable ( Wipe Tower )
    • No sparse layers (EXPERIMENTAL)
  4. Slice (Ctrl+R)
  5. Purge Tower Color Changes will float in midair.


Operating system

Windows 11

Printer model

Voron 2.4 with StealthBurner & ERCF

supermerill commented 1 year ago

can't reproduce fr the sequential printing image

I'm not sure of understanding how to reproduce the mmu case.

you can't send me your projects ?