supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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Curved bridging #4227

Open MIRAEngines opened 2 months ago

MIRAEngines commented 2 months ago

Hello all,

I have been chasing weird artefacts on my prints above the inner bridging areas (rough surface etc.) and i think that the problem is cause by curved internal bridging that slicer is trying to achieve.

In the attached you will find an image of the trace that I am talking about - there is no way that this will print into the air even with the best calibration of bridges, simply because the bridging needs the tension of the material - if the trace is curved like in the picture there is no way this can print and will result in some minor spaghetti inside of the print - sometimes this causes problems that snowball into higher layers.

My question is - would it be possible to have internal bridging as linear only - meaning the slicer finds the anchors and goes linear only when bridging.

I have no idea of how hard is this to program in but I think that this would increase the print quality in some areas immensely.

Thank you.

Milan image_2024-04-24_162953169

clarkschaefer commented 2 months ago

First off, I will suggest using a different infill such as cubic to improve the isotropic-ness of your infill. It can cause pillowing in some cases, yes, but that is solved with the following option:


Producing layers immediately below the first solid infill that look like this:


I completely eliminated pillowing on some large shallow-layer parts that sloped up only a dozen or so layers over several inches using this setting.

MIRAEngines commented 2 months ago

Hello, thank you for your insight.

I was already using the support dense layer option as that increased the quality immensely, but it would be really nice if there was an option that makes the dense layer always anchored. If you leave it at automatic the algorithm doesnt work at all image_2024-04-25_115521966

Anyways the main issue I found for me was anchored sparse infill - the algorithm was going full speed infill into air around the details - pic in my first post. This was a huge issue for me because it left behind artefacts that interfered with higher layers. I disabled this.

The thing that was the main point from my first post still stands though - there is absolutely no reason to try to print anything curved as bridge - Im sure its not easy to code in tho.

Thanks again for the support.

supermerill commented 1 month ago

you can disable the connection for sparse infill (or using a very short threshold). That way, it won't try to follow the boundary of the surface.