supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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Please clarify duplicated controls (overlap, hole size) #4231

Open CuredPrusa opened 2 months ago

CuredPrusa commented 2 months ago

In version 2.5 there are (at least) three instances to set the perimeter overlap. Could someone define the hierarchy and differences of those similar commands? Which setting cancels which? I'm aware that some are more defined per perimeter, but what if they're used simultaneously, and should that be the case?

image Let's say this one is a threshold for a thin wall generator. (What does "anti-hysteresis" mean?) image This one could also be a threshold for a thin wall generator. image What's the difference between perimeter_overlap and perimeter_max_overlap

Also, I can see the hole size calibration has (at least) two instances. Moreover, they still work quite erratically. Sometimes it works with minus, sometimes with a plus, sometimes not at all.


Should I use just "inner" or "vertical hole shrinking" ? What if I use both?

Maybe I could test and figure out by myself after some time, but I hope someone familiar with SS code could answer in a heart beat. Thanks!

supermerill commented 1 month ago

. the first one (overlapping perimeters) allow perimter to be on top of each other when the walls are too thin. . the second one, allow you to adjust the difference between overlap and spacing. With 100%, it consider that spacing = square extrusion, and 0% spacing = width = round edges (see width help/details button). . the filament max line overlap, it just a threshold for the other ones (just discussed above)

for the compensation: if (-) then, the compensation will shrink your object, removing matter, growing holes. if (+) then, the compensation will grow your obejct, adding matter and shrinking holes. (and if it's not, then I again was fooled by wrong comprehension)

Should I use just "inner" or "vertical hole shrinking" ? What if I use both?

'inner' works for all "holes". 'vertical holes' works only for round ones. That reminds me that I should change the label to something like 'vertical round holes'. Note that it doesn't work when there is a "horizontal hole" as this one break the "hole", making it the external wall.

CuredPrusa commented 1 month ago

for the compensation: if (-) then, the compensation will shrink your object, removing matter, growing holes. if (+) then, the compensation will grow your obejct, adding matter and shrinking holes. (and if it's not, then I again was fooled by wrong comprehension)

In 2.5 version I have to use minus to enlarge the hole. In 2.4 version I have to use plus to enlarge the hole. But then the minus doesn't work, doesn't show any movement of the inner perimeter.

Here is a simple model which I use to test how does the slicer behave. And often I have to use either "inner" or "vertical holes" because for strange reason some models don't react predictable to such adjustment.

It saddens me that such important adjustment is so unreliable.

CuredPrusa commented 1 month ago

I have also noticed that common configuration folder for all versions is a mess. When I open 2.4 and 2.5.59 and 2.5.60, the SS becomes unusable and I have to delete configuration folder. Is there a way to isolate configuration folder for each version?

CuredPrusa commented 1 month ago

NOw that I have deleted configuration folder, 2.5 version in enlarging hole when I go positive at "inner". I don't know if that's related.

CuredPrusa commented 1 month ago

When I delete config again and run, the negative is enlarging the hole. This is getting pretty frustrating. I would stick to just one version, to the latest maybe, but there are two reasons (so far) why I return to 2.4:

  1. I have some projects with important custom fan control and until M106 generator is fixed I have no other option but to use 2.4
  2. Gap fill has some real problems with latest versions, it doesn't fill up at some tricky places regardless of changing various setting for gap fill in newer version. It just doesn't fill a small corner while 2.4 is doing it perfectly.
CuredPrusa commented 1 month ago

PLease make an option for user to chose the option of isolated configuration folder. Until then, I'm starting 2.4 from CMD (superslicer-console.exe --datadir settings) 2.4 is my getaway when new version lose control with so many new options buzzing around.