supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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fill_aligned_z makes sparsely bridge #4240

Closed shengyan closed 3 weeks ago

shengyan commented 1 month ago

What happened?

It seems the new feature ''fill_aligned_z'' in version is making bridge lines sparse in both normal and internal bridges. maybe it should be applied to sparse infill only or turn-off by default.

Project file & How to reproduce

fill_aligned_z on fill_aligned_z off


Operating system

No response

Printer model

No response

supermerill commented 1 month ago

can't reproduce, can you send here your project file?

shengyan commented 1 month ago

It has something to do with "infill extrusion width". Set "infill spacing" to 0.7 for a 0.4mm nozzle, the difference should be visible. the following project file is based on built-in "0.2mm 0.4nozzle V0" profile, the only change is set "infill spacing" to 0.7mm. bug report

supermerill commented 1 month ago

understood what's going on. I removed the bridges from the effect of this settings. Fixed in next nightly & release.