supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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[BUG or FEATURE REQUEST] Z-Hop on first layer when travelling between colors #4241

Open jmceara opened 1 month ago

jmceara commented 1 month ago

Bug description During multiple color print, on the first layer, z-hop is not working while travelling between colors. This model (attached) has only 2 layers on color White, and after first layer, when black colors is being printed, the nozzle travell without z-hop, causing black filament on white printed part. Note that my retraction is tunned for my DD (galileo2) and working fine. Also purge tower is working fine, since I didn't get mess with colors on final part.

Expected behavior If z-hop is enabled, do a z-hop when travell between colors on first layer.

Screenshots IMG_20240501_174803 IMG_20240501_174810 Screenshot_2024-05-01-14-13-45-471_com android chrome


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