supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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Ender 3 profile contains the wrong bed size #4247

Closed soggywhale closed 1 month ago

soggywhale commented 1 month ago

What happened?

when I tried to calibrate the bed I noticed that the default ender 3 profile has a bed size of 225mm X 225mm while the correct one is 220x220.

Project file & How to reproduce

First layer


Operating system


Printer model

Ender 3 Pro

anonymousaga commented 1 month ago

An ender 3's bed is 235x235mm. Some slicers have defaulted to a 7.5mm unprintable border on the edges of the bed (220x220mm). Superslicer defaults to a 5mm unprintable border (225x225mm). 5mm is plenty of margin, especially since the ender 3's nozzle is able to reach beyond all edges of the bed.

Please close this issue if this response satisfies you.