supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
4.04k stars 515 forks source link Minor Bug: it doesn't reslice when changing the infill Density in the right Sidebar. #4252

Closed TwomD closed 3 weeks ago

TwomD commented 1 month ago

Bug description I noticed a minor Bug in the latest stable Release

When you slice your part and then decide to change the infill Density via the right side Panel ( 1 ) it doesn't reset the sliced preview and still shows the "Export Gcode" Button ( 2 ) instead of the “Slice Now” Button.


So to change the infill density, you have to go into the Print Settings itself to be able to reslice.

!!>> Project File <<!! i didn't upload a file because it always happens, even if you just spawn in a simple cube with right click -> add Shape -> Box

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. slice your part
  2. change the infill in the right sidebar
  3. "Slice Now" doesn't appear in the lower right Corner.

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