supermerill / SuperSlicer

G-code generator for 3D printers (Prusa, Voron, Creality, etc.)
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Errors when slicing this high quality mesh #4257

Closed thetouchablegod closed 2 weeks ago

thetouchablegod commented 1 month ago


Operating system type + version

Linux Endeavour 6.6.30-2-lts Hardware: Ryzen R5, 16gb RAM, 3060 6GB


Is this a new feature request? no

Project File (.3MF) where problem occurs

Upload a Project File (.3MF) Plater -> Save Project as... You have to zip it (or rename it to .zip) to be able to drag& drop it here Screenshot showing bad slice Screenshot showing error

konasimakopoulos commented 1 month ago

Sliced provided model correctly with latest release( on windows 11. Could you try updating and see if it is solved?

thetouchablegod commented 1 month ago

Sliced provided model correctly with latest release( on windows 11. Could you try updating and see if it is solved?

I apologize, this was with the latest release I will check to see if the problem occurs under Windows for me.

thetouchablegod commented 1 month ago

I can confirm it slices in Windows 11 just fine.

th0mpy commented 1 month ago

I am seeing the same error on the MacOS version. Also running on MacOS 14.4.1 (Sonoma). 64gb memory, M3 MacBook Pro.

Any ideas?

th0mpy commented 1 month ago

Switching to Gyroid to Rectilinear for infill seems to clear the error, however does not properly form the infill This should be 18% infill image

This should be 50% infill image (it looks exactly the same)

Another interesting error, if I switch to 3d Honeycomb I get a new error "Coordinate outside allowed range"

thomispt commented 1 month ago

I've got the same issue slicing anything on macOS ARM, dropping to fixes it

MQ1995 commented 1 month ago

I've got the same issue, but just when slicing some models, not all. I'm on Arch Linux (EndeavourOS) running the latest appimage. I tried older versions as well. The particular model i cannot slice is this benchmark model:

edit: it does work with, so the bug must have been introduced in the next version

supermerill commented 1 month ago

you can try the last 'rc' build (in the actions menu, commit 1d7a679, label fill_aligned_z: fix uninitialized atomic_int64_t (#4279)) it's the 59.10, but with a fix that should these weird bugs.

thetouchablegod commented 1 month ago

Can confirm the latest rc and nightly fix the issue. At least with my hydrant model. I haven't tried any others reported as giving problems.